The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia
Selecta Restaurant 5th Floor is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

1. Selecta Restaurant 5th Floor

Jl. Listrik (Palang Merah), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Restaurant · 23 tips and reviews

Selfy Z.Selfy Zhuang: makanan nya enak skali

Nelayan Mie Jaring is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

2. Nelayan Mie Jaring

Sun Plaza, Lt. 3C No. 38-41 (Jl. K.H. Zainul Arifin No. 7), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Dim Sum Restaurant · 235 tips and reviews

Vera H.Vera Huang: Xiao long baonya enak & ciong fan dua musim :)

The Grand Duck King is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

3. The Grand Duck King

Cambridge City Square 2nd Floor (Jl. Letjend. S. Parman No. 217), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 52 tips and reviews

Mylina P.Mylina Pardede: Tahu goreng dgn cabe garamnya enak..η pstinya peking duck!!

Wisma Benteng Seafood Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

4. Wisma Benteng Seafood Restaurant

Jl. Kapten. Maulana Lubis No. 6 (Jalan Pengadilan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Seafood Restaurant · Petisah Tengah, Medan Petisah · 28 tips and reviews
Warung Manado is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

5. Warung Manado

Jl. Mangkubumi No.14, Medan, North Sumatera
Manadonese Restaurant · 19 tips and reviews

Selfy Z.Selfy Zhuang: Ayam Bulunya Sedeppp....

Tea Garden is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

6. Tea Garden

Jln Merak Jingga, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 15 tips and reviews

Wie X.Wie Xtreme 🔛📱: Makanan nya murah meriah! Cocok buat kantong! Wahahhaha

Taipan Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

7. Taipan Restaurant

Capital Building (Jl. Putri Hijau No. 1 A), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 60 tips and reviews

Goutama B.Goutama Bachtiar: Recommended to order: Beijing Duck, Ayam Kopi, Udang Goreng Mayonaise & obviously the very famous one, Sup Burung Dara.

Ta Sanghai Resto is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

8. Ta Sanghai Resto

Kompleks multatuli, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Asian Restaurant · 1 tip

Selfy Z.Selfy Zhuang: babi gorengnya leziss...

Paramount Grand Ballroom is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

9. Paramount Grand Ballroom

Jl. Merak Jingga (Jl. Putri Hijau), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews
Grand Maxim Seafood Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

10. Grand Maxim Seafood Restaurant

Jl. Merak Jingga No.2D, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews
Grand Liberty Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

11. Grand Liberty Restaurant

Jl. K.L. Yos Sudarso d/h Putri Hijau No. A6, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Asian Restaurant · 20 tips and reviews

Selfy Z.Selfy Zhuang: udang goreng menteganya sedepp

Nelayan Sari Laut is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

12. Nelayan Sari Laut

Jl. Putri Merak Jingga No. 8, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Dim Sum Restaurant · 36 tips and reviews
Nelayan Jala-Jala is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

13. Nelayan Jala-Jala

Merdeka Walk (Jl. Balaikota No. 1), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Dim Sum Restaurant · 164 tips and reviews

Selfy Z.Selfy Zhuang: ga enaK MIE TIAU gorengnya

Grand Kowloon International Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

14. Grand Kowloon International Restaurant

Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 15A/55, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Asian Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews

Juvin P.Juvin Purba: makan sepuasnya! pelan pelan saja ..

Rice-Bowl is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

15. Rice-Bowl

Thamrin Plaza 7th floor (Jl. M.H. Thamrin), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Asian Restaurant · 17 tips and reviews

Aaron Y.Aaron Yodo: makanannya enak, tapi tidak sebanding dengan harganya yang mahal

Jumbo Seafood Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

16. Jumbo Seafood Restaurant

Jl. Putri Hijau No. 8 A,B,C,D, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 27 tips and reviews

Filina P.Filina Pohan: Sup jagung kepitingnya kental karena banyak asparagus & daging kepitingnya. Super yummy.

Jittlada Thai Cuisine is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

17. Jittlada Thai Cuisine

Cambridge City Square, Ground Floor (Jl. Letnan Jenderal S. Parman No. 215 I-J), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Thai Restaurant · 23 tips and reviews

Pat P.Pat Petrus: My usual order: Kao Tang Na Tang, Tom Yam Kung, Neah Yang, Keng Keao Wan Neah, Pla Bu Manao, Khao Op Saperot, Pad Thai. Go figure! :P

RM. Tabona is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

18. RM. Tabona

Jl. Mangkubumi No. 17, Medan, Sumatera Utara
Noodle Restaurant · 54 tips and reviews

wiwiwiwi: the best mee hoon curry in town!

Delima Restaurant is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

19. Delima Restaurant

Jl. Hindu No. 8 (Kesawan), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 12 tips and reviews

Intan A.Intan Adelina: Restaurant with chinese food with unique taste and low prices. Open from 10a.m.-3p.m. and 5p.m.-10p.m.

Warung Tekko is one of The 20 best value restaurants in Medan, Indonesia.

20. Warung Tekko

Kompleks Multatuli Indah Blok CC No. 42-43 (Jl. Haji Misbah), Medan, Sumatera Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 29 tips and reviews

Willy C.Willy Chandra: Iga penyet harus dicoba...cuman pelayannya bawel