This is one of the best places to tailgate before a football game. Friendly people with a safe atmosphere. Security everywhere, all the people are having fun and generous. However, stadium is a dump.
Wear lots of'll get a better tan tailgating here than you will at the beach. Also make sure you bring plastic cups for cocktails. Glass bottles are a $350 fine. Yikes.
Check out the Power Party pregame tailgate in parking lot F2. Best food is Oggi's Pizza and Sweet Baby Ray BBQ. If you need help deciding which Seats to Purchase for your next Chargers game, check out Read more
Welcome to The Q, home of Super Bowls XXII, XXXII, and XXXVII. Enjoy one of the NFL’s best tailgates in any of Qualcomm’s huge parking lots and be sure to get your hands on some fish tacos. Read more
Decent place to see a college bowl game. Easy parking with plenty of tailgating space. Stadium had TVs in the club level so you could watch the official broadcast (and replays) simultaneously.
Start off in downtown San Diego's Seaport Village then strolling through the 16th block historic Gaslamp Quarter in downtown and finish the evening off with a beautiful sunset at La Jolla Cove.
Season ticket holders: Get a reserved parking pass. It's only $10 more and you get in an hour earlier than everyone else. Beat the traffic and get extra tailgate time! Go Chargers!
Join us at the Bud Light Chargers Power Party is the ultimate tailgate party Section E2 in the Stadium parking lot and begins 3 1/2 hours prior to kickoff. Admission is free and open to all ages. Read more
It was $15.00 to park at Monster Jam. Oh yeah and I now see why Chargers can't sell out their games, $5.00 for a bottle of water! Damn man I can go to Cost Co. Or Food 4 Less and buy a whole damn case
You DON'T get what you pay for. The leaking pipes, power outages, outdated audio/visual, poor concession services/attendants, inadequate bathroom facilities are all VERY distracting.