"We're hosting a "CHEERING STATION" for the walkers of the Susan G. Komen 3Day and ALL ARE WELCOME! -- FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11th (12:30p - 4p) @ 9th & P Streets, NW."
· Washington, United States
"Cast YOUR VOTE so this gem in the Shaw community can win part of a $1M historic site preservation grant! Vote online at www.partnersinpreservation.com, Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram."
Historic and Protected Site
· Washington, United States
7.6"Your Foursquare check-in can help the Carter G. Woodson Home (http://4sq.com/jKQIiA) win part of $1M in preservation grants! Visit www.partnersinpreservation.com to learn how. #CarterWoodson"
· Washington, United States