■ Handcrafted garments for Everyone (Cotton and Linen lines)
■ Linens for Hospitality Industries
■ Manufacture Distr. and Trade for Global Markets
■ Made by a Production-Coop. formed by Women in need.
Juan M. Ramos-Jassen: We sell on Sat & Sun: ● Handcrafted garments for Ladies and Gentlemen, made with 100% natural fibers fabrics (Cotton and Linen lines). ● Linens. Visit us and chat!
Chiclayo 250 (Cluster 45, Hacienda Santa Fe), Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco
Boutique · 64 tips and reviews
Santa Fe Clothing Co.: 2007-2014, Siete años ...• En #SantaFeClothing estamos orgullosos de continuar con nuestro esfuerzo por llevar una mejor calidad de vida a las #Familias que se acercan.¡Gracias!
Chiclayo 250 (Cluster 45, Hacienda Santa Fe), Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, Jalisco
Boutique · 64 tips and reviews
Santa Fe Clothing Co.: ► Are you ready for #EasterHolidays 2014?... #Enjoy#Crochet #Bikini #handmade, with treated leather application, for use in sea water and pool. Removable cups.