American History
Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum is one of American History.

1. Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum

216 Emory St (at Dover St), Baltimore, MD
Museum · Ridgely's Delight · 14 tips and reviews
Princeton Battle Monument is one of American History.

2. Princeton Battle Monument

55 Stockton St, Princeton, NJ
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip
Washington Crossing Historic Park is one of American History.

3. Washington Crossing Historic Park

1112 River Rd, Washington Crossing, PA
Historic and Protected Site · 16 tips and reviews
Princeton Battlefield State Park is one of American History.

4. Princeton Battlefield State Park

500 Mercer Rd, Princeton, NJ
State or Provincial Park · 5 tips and reviews
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is one of American History.

5. Mount Rushmore National Memorial

13000 SD Highway 244 (btwn Iron Mountain & Palmer Gulch Rd), Keystone, SD
Monument · 165 tips and reviews
The White House is one of American History.

6. The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Government Building · Northwest Washington · 512 tips and reviews

7. William Howard Taft National Historic Site

2038 Auburn Ave (at Southern Ave), Cincinnati, OH
Historic and Protected Site · Mount Auburn · 7 tips and reviews

8. National Museum of the US Air Force

1100 Spaatz St (at Wright Patterson Air Force Base), Dayton, OH
Museum · 109 tips and reviews

Ayaz H.Ayaz Hyder: The plane that served as Air Force One during the JFK Presidency is here.

9. National Museum of the US Air Force

1100 Spaatz St (at Wright Patterson Air Force Base), Dayton, OH
Museum · 109 tips and reviews

NASANASA: Missile & Space Gallery contains an extensive collection of rare artifacts including Apollo 15 Command Module, Mercury & Gemini capsules, engines, satellites & a moon rock from the Apollo 16 mission. Read more.

Princeton University is one of American History.

10. Princeton University

Nassau St (btwn Washington Rd & University Pl), Princeton, NJ
University · 57 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: Chartered in 1746 as the College of New Jersey, Princeton University was British North America's fourth college.

Nassau Hall is one of American History.

11. Nassau Hall

79 Nassau St. (79 Nassau St.), Princeton, NJ
College Administrative Building · 4 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: You're standing in history. Nassau Hall was the site where the Continental Congress first learned the British had signed a peace treaty granting independence to the former colonies in 1783.

Albert Einstein's House is one of American History.

12. Albert Einstein's House

Mercer Street 112 (Princeton), Princeton, NJ
History Museum · 6 tips and reviews

Kyle S.Kyle Sorkness: Read the sidewalk near the curb.

Crosley Field Historic Site is one of American History.

13. Crosley Field Historic Site

Dalton Ave & Findlay St, Cincinnati, OH
Historic and Protected Site · West End · 5 tips and reviews

Cincinnati History PhotosCincinnati History Photos: Redland Field (later Crosley Field) was the home of the Reds until 1970. This photo shows an aerial view from Opening Day, April 6, 1912. First MLB night game on 5/23/35. Courtesy Read more.