Tétouan #4sqCities
Place Moulay el Mehdi is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

1. Place Moulay el Mehdi

(Av.Mohamed V), تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Plaza · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Wide boulevards run out of the central round square that today is called Place Moulay el-Mehdi.

Centre d'Art Moderne - Ancienne Gare férroviaire is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

2. Centre d'Art Moderne - Ancienne Gare férroviaire

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Art Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The old train station opened in 1918 and hosted the railway station of Tétouan, remains one of the first of Morocco.Today, the old train station has become a center of modern art.

Place Alhamama (la paloma) is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

3. Place Alhamama (la paloma)

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Plaza · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: "The White Pigeon" is the symbol of the city.

Palais Royal is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

4. Palais Royal

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 3 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: This 17th century building, is itself a reflection of the Hispano-Moresque architecture. The palace is closed to public entry but its main ornate gate can give you a mental idea of what it's beyond.

Place Hassan II is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

5. Place Hassan II

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Plaza · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Here is where the old and new town meet. Is the dynamic heart of Tétouan . It's a square so grab a coffee at a nearby restaurant (reported to have the best coffee flavor in morocco).

La Médina de Tétouan is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

6. La Médina de Tétouan

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 10 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The Medina of Tétouan is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is surrounded by a historic wall of 5 km in length and accessed by 7 gates.Its art and architecture which reveal clear Andalusian influence.

El Mellah (ancien quartier juif) is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

7. El Mellah (ancien quartier juif)

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The large mellah (Jewish quarter) of the Medina was called Little Jerusalem.

La Grande Mosquée is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

8. La Grande Mosquée

(المسجد الكبير)
تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Mosque · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Built by Sultan Moulay Sulayman in 1808. The minaret of square plan is the highest of the medina. It is decorated with geometric pattern treated mortar, tiles of Tetouan polychrome friezes and brick.

Dar Dbagh (les tanneries) is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

9. Dar Dbagh (les tanneries)

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Dar Dbagh (tanneries) from X-XVI century, the center of the medina. This place has a great tourist attraction.

Musée Archéologique is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

10. Musée Archéologique

2 rue Ben H’saïn, B.P. 41, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
History Museum · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Through its beautiful relics,artefacts and mosaics, the Archeology museum is a contemporary memory of the roman ruins of Lixus and Tamouda and Jewish ancestory.

Dar Sanaa is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

11. Dar Sanaa

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The town of Tétouan is famous for its school of arts and crafts (Dar Sanaa) and its National Institute of Fine Arts which testify to an ancestral tradition and an opening onto the world today.

Musée Ethnographique is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

12. Musée Ethnographique

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Museum · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Is housed in a XIX century fortress. Its rich collection represents the material culture of the city and its region. Allows visitors to get an idea about customs, the house, clothing and ceremonies.

El Reducto Riad is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

13. El Reducto Riad

Essaid Zanqat Zawya kadiriya, 38, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Moroccan Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: El Reducto is a riad located in the medina. Its building, an old arabic palace, was renovated in 1948.The restaurant specializes in Moroccan food and some Spanish dishes and international cuisine.

Prison M'tamar is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

14. Prison M'tamar

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: These dungeons, or "matmores" were reserved to about 300,000 slaves and Christian captives who contributed to build the city.In the XVIII century, prisoners were released & the silos were abandoned.

Kasbah Sidi al Mandri is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

15. Kasbah Sidi al Mandri

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: This monument was built in the fifteenth century by Sidi al-Mandri. He employed Christians captured to build this kasbah. Of the original fortress, it remains today the outer walls and bastions.

Eglise Ntra Sra de las Victorias is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

16. Eglise Ntra Sra de las Victorias

4, Place Moulay el Mehdi, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Church · 3 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: This yellow Spanish church, built in 1919, represents a variation to the white houses of Tetouan.

Blanco Riad is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

17. Blanco Riad

Rue Zanka Zawya (Av. Med v), تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Spanish Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Bab Erouah is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

18. Bab Erouah

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The main entrance of the Medina of Tetouan is Bab Er-Rouah (Gate of the Winds).

Bab el Okla is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

19. Bab el Okla

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: One of the seven gates of the Medina is located east of the enclosure. This door was long known as the "Sea Gate", because here we gained access to the road leading to Martil, on the Mediterranean.

Fontaine de Bab El-Okla is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

20. Fontaine de Bab El-Okla

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Well · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: This fountain was built by el Qaid Mohammad Ben Omar Luqash, when was governer of the city between 1751-1758,

Bab Essaïda is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

21. Bab Essaïda

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Located northeast of the medina, it connect the sector Ziana to the urban door and mark the transition between two residential units.

Bab Jiaf is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

22. Bab Jiaf

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Located in the district intramuros Ziana. It is at the end of Bab Sefli. The door has direct access to the cemetery.

Bab Mkabar is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

23. Bab Mkabar

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Located at the junction of the sub-districts Talaa and Kharrazine, the door enabled peasants of the region direct access to Souk el Fouqi.

Bab Nuader is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

24. Bab Nuader

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Located at the end of the street Laayoune, this door is distinguished by its ocher color. Can be in memory of his contact with the agricultural world.

Bab Etout is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

25. Bab Etout

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Located at the meeting of the sub-districts El Wetya and Trankate, the door connect the medina to the ensanche.

Bab Rmouz is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

26. Bab Rmouz

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Located at the end of M'salah kdima district and sub district souika. The door provides a link for transportation between the avenue Hassan 1er and street M'salah.

Mosquée Hassan II is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

27. Mosquée Hassan II

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Mosque · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The Hassan II mosque built in the late 70s.

Marché Central is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

28. Marché Central

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Shopping Mall · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: The central market in Tetouan built during the Spanish protectorate, a project of the architect Fernandez Shaw during the 40s.

Synagogue Isaac Bengualid is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Synagogue built in 1889. Is divided between the men at ground level and the women's floor, which is actually a balcony that looks down from four sides. The synagogue is quite simple.

Zaouia Sidi Ali Baraka is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

30. Zaouia Sidi Ali Baraka

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: This zaouia dates from the early XVIII century and houses the mausoleum of great scholar and writer Sidi Ali Baraka. It is distinguished by the ornamentation of the main entrance.

Madrasa de Loukach is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

31. Madrasa de Loukach

Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Built in 1758 by order of Sultan Sidi Mohamed Ibn Abdullah and Omar Caid Loukach to accommodate students who came to Tetouan to follow studies in theology.

Souk Bab Nouader is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

32. Souk Bab Nouader

Tétouan, Tangier-Tétouan
Miscellaneous Store · No tips or reviews
Riad Al Ouchak is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

33. Riad Al Ouchak

(رياض العشاق)
تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Garden · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Riad Al Ouchak (literally The Lovers' Garden) - a replica of the gardens of Granada, Spain.

Centre Artisanal is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

34. Centre Artisanal

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Arts and Crafts Store · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Offers tourists, at prices no surprise, good quality craft products, maintaining quality and ensuring the survival of certain traditional activities threatened by industrialization

Institut National des Beaux Arts is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

35. Institut National des Beaux Arts

Av. Mohamed V, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
College Arts Building · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Is an institution of higher education in the field of fine and applied arts belonging to the Ministry of Culture. Founded in 1945 as a school of Fine Arts and elevated to a higher institute in 1994.

Cinema Avenida is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

36. Cinema Avenida

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Movie Theater · 3 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Was founded in 1945 and restored in 1996.

Casa de España is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

37. Casa de España

Av. Chakib Arsalane, 4, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Spanish Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Excellent shrimp cocktail.

Teatro Cinema Español is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

38. Teatro Cinema Español

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Movie Theater · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Built in 1916 and renovated in 2000.

Poste Principale is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

39. Poste Principale

Post Office · No tips or reviews
Stade Saniat Rmel is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

40. Stade Saniat Rmel

Av. Abdelkhalak Torres, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Soccer Stadium · 2 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Football stadium of Moghreb Atlético de Tétouan (MAT), with a capacity of 10,000 seats. It has a synthetic grass since 2007.

Sania Ramel Airport (TTU) is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

41. Sania Ramel Airport (TTU)

(مطار تطوان سانية الرمل)
Avenue 9 Avril, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Airport · No tips or reviews
Gare Routière de Tétouan is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

42. Gare Routière de Tétouan

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Bus Station · 3 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Bus station of Tétouan.

Tamuda is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

43. Tamuda

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Historic and Protected Site · 1 tip

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Is located 4 km southeast of Tetouan. It was a military camp surveillance of Martil River and its harbor. The site was abandoned by the Romans in the third century BC.

École Nationale d'Architecture is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

44. École Nationale d'Architecture

Av. Baghdad, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
University · No tips or reviews
Wilaya de Tétouan is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

45. Wilaya de Tétouan

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Government Building · 1 tip

46. Marjane Tétouan

تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Department Store · 2 tips and reviews

AyouB A.AyouB ACroOsS: Hypermarche a Tétouan

Corniche de Martil is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

47. Corniche de Martil

Other Great Outdoors · 6 tips and reviews
Les Vitamines de la Mer is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

48. Les Vitamines de la Mer

Avenue Moulay Rachid, Martil, Tétouan
Seafood Restaurant · 8 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: You must try the seafood pasta, maybe the best in the world!

Restaurant Hala is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

49. Restaurant Hala

Seafood Restaurant · 1 tip
Restaurant la Meridiana is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

50. Restaurant la Meridiana

Rond point Mdiq-Cabo, Mdiq, Mdiq-Tétouan
Mediterranean Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Speciality: Fish seafood.

Plage De Cabonegro is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

51. Plage De Cabonegro

Beach · 7 tips and reviews
Royal Golf Cabonegro is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

52. Royal Golf Cabonegro

Cabonegro, تطوان, Région de Tanger-Tétouan
Golf Course · 5 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Behind Tetouan and the summits of Rif, close to a seaside resort, the Royal Golf Club of Cabo Negro is the site of a remarkable nine hole course conceived according to the purest British tradition.

Venezia Ice is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

53. Venezia Ice

Avenue Lalla Nezha, M'diq, Tétouan
Café · 9 tips and reviews
Port de M'diq is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

54. Port de M'diq

Harbor or Marina · 3 tips and reviews

Saad B.Saad Bencrimo: Currently, the port of M'diq is used for fishing and boating.

Smir Park is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

55. Smir Park

Smir park, km 17 Route Sebta, M'diq, Tétouan
Amusement Park · 2 tips and reviews
Plage de Restinga Smir is one of Tétouan #4sqCities.

56. Plage de Restinga Smir

Beach · 9 tips and reviews

Sofia B.Sofia Bencrimo: Best beach ever!