Stations in Tokyo 3
Hikarigaoka Station (E38) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

1. Hikarigaoka Station (E38)

光が丘2-9-5 (都営大江戸線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 光が丘 · 7 tips and reviews
Nerima-kasugacho Station (E37) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

2. Nerima-kasugacho Station (E37)

春日町3-29-25, 練馬区, 東京都
Metro Station · 1 tip
Shin-egota Station (E34) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

3. Shin-egota Station (E34)

江原町2-29-13, 中野区, 東京都
Metro Station · 中野区 · 3 tips and reviews
Ochiai-minami-nagasaki Station (E33) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

4. Ochiai-minami-nagasaki Station (E33)

西落合3-1-18, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 8 tips and reviews
Oedo Line Nakano-sakaue Station (E30) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

5. Oedo Line Nakano-sakaue Station (E30)

(都営大江戸線 中野坂上駅)
中央2-2-28, 中野区, 東京都
Metro Station · 11 tips and reviews
Nishi-shinjuku-gochome Station (E29) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

6. Nishi-shinjuku-gochome Station (E29)

西新宿5-25-9, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 12 tips and reviews
Tochomae Station (E28) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

7. Tochomae Station (E28)

西新宿2-8-1 (都営大江戸線), 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 18 tips and reviews
Kokuritsu-kyogijo Station (E25) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

8. Kokuritsu-kyogijo Station (E25)

霞ヶ丘町10-3, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 8 tips and reviews
Aoyama-itchome Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

9. Aoyama-itchome Station

南青山1/北青山1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 青山 · 26 tips and reviews
Roppongi Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

10. Roppongi Station

六本木6/赤坂9, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 六本木 · 36 tips and reviews
Azabu-juban Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

11. Azabu-juban Station

麻布十番4-4-9 (東京メトロ南北線/都営大江戸線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 麻布 · 23 tips and reviews
Akabanebashi Station (E21) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

12. Akabanebashi Station (E21)

東麻布1-28-13, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 東麻布 · 17 tips and reviews
Tsukijishijo Station (E18) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

13. Tsukijishijo Station (E18)

築地5-1-2, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 築地 · 16 tips and reviews
Kachidoki Station (E17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

14. Kachidoki Station (E17)

勝どき2-10-15, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 勝どき · 23 tips and reviews
Tsukishima Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

15. Tsukishima Station

月島1 (有楽町線/都営大江戸線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 月島 · 27 tips and reviews
Kiyosumi-shirakawa Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

16. Kiyosumi-shirakawa Station

白河1, 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 清澄 · 5 tips and reviews
Morishita Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

17. Morishita Station

森下, 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 6 tips and reviews
Shin-Okachimachi Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

18. Shin-Okachimachi Station

元浅草1-5-2/小島2-21-18, 台東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 11 tips and reviews
Ueno-okachimachi Station (E09) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

19. Ueno-okachimachi Station (E09)

上野5-26-6 (都営大江戸線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 上野 · 12 tips and reviews
Hongo-sanchome Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

20. Hongo-sanchome Station

本郷2, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 湯島 · 6 tips and reviews
Ushigome-kagurazaka Station (E05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

21. Ushigome-kagurazaka Station (E05)

箪笥町15, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 市ヶ谷 · 4 tips and reviews
Ushigome-yanagicho Station (E04) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

22. Ushigome-yanagicho Station (E04)

原町2-32, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 7 tips and reviews
Wakamatsu-kawada Station (E03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

23. Wakamatsu-kawada Station (E03)

河田町10-10 (都営大江戸線), 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 3 tips and reviews
Higashi-shinjuku Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

24. Higashi-shinjuku Station

新宿7-27 (副都心線/大江戸線), 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · Shinjuku, Tokyo, Tōkyō · 11 tips and reviews
Shinjuku-nishiguchi Station (E01) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

25. Shinjuku-nishiguchi Station (E01)

西新宿1-3-17 (都営大江戸線), 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 20 tips and reviews
Akabane-Iwabuchi Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

26. Akabane-Iwabuchi Station

岩淵町36-1 (東京メトロ南北線/埼玉高速鉄道), 北区, 東京都
Metro Station · 17 tips and reviews
Shimo Station (N18) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

27. Shimo Station (N18)

志茂2-1-18, 北区, 東京都
Metro Station · 1 tip
Oji-kamiya Station (N17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

28. Oji-kamiya Station (N17)

王子5-2-11, 北区, 東京都
Metro Station · 北区 · 8 tips and reviews
Nishigahara Station (N15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

29. Nishigahara Station (N15)

西ケ原2-3-8, 北区, 東京都
Metro Station · 北区 · 5 tips and reviews
Hon-komagome Station (N13) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

30. Hon-komagome Station (N13)

向丘2-37-1 (東京メトロ南北線), 文京区, 東京都
Metro Station · 文京区 · 3 tips and reviews
Todaimae Station (N12) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

31. Todaimae Station (N12)

向丘1-19-2, 文京区, 東京都
Metro Station · 5 tips and reviews
Korakuen Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

32. Korakuen Station

春日1-2-3 (丸ノ内線/南北線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 小石川 · 18 tips and reviews
Nagatacho Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

33. Nagatacho Station

永田町1-11-28 (有楽町線/半蔵門線/南北線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 永田町 · 23 tips and reviews
Tameike-sanno Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

34. Tameike-sanno Station

永田町2-11-1 (銀座線/南北線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 永田町 · 30 tips and reviews
Roppongi-itchome Station (N05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

35. Roppongi-itchome Station (N05)

六本木1-4-1, 港区, 東京都
Metro Station · 13 tips and reviews
Hiro-o Station (H03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

36. Hiro-o Station (H03)

南麻布5-10-28, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 広尾 · 14 tips and reviews
Kamiyacho Station (H05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

37. Kamiyacho Station (H05)

虎ノ門5-12-11, 港区, 東京都
Metro Station · 16 tips and reviews
Kasumigaseki Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

38. Kasumigaseki Station

霞が関2-1-2 (丸ノ内線/日比谷線/千代田線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 霞が関 · 16 tips and reviews
Ginza Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

39. Ginza Station

銀座4-1-2 (銀座線/丸ノ内線/日比谷線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 銀座 · 34 tips and reviews
Tsukiji Station (H11) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

40. Tsukiji Station (H11)

築地3-15-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 築地 · 17 tips and reviews
Kodemmacho Station (H15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

41. Kodemmacho Station (H15)

日本橋小伝馬町11-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 小伝馬町 · 7 tips and reviews
Naka-okachimachi Station (H17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

42. Naka-okachimachi Station (H17)

上野5-24-12 (日比谷線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 上野 · 6 tips and reviews
Iriya Station (H19) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

43. Iriya Station (H19)

入谷1-6-4, 台東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 9 tips and reviews
Minowa Station (H20) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

44. Minowa Station (H20)

三ノ輪2-14-7, 台東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 7 tips and reviews
Kita-ayase Station (C20) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

45. Kita-ayase Station (C20)

谷中2-6-21, 足立区, 東京都
Metro Station · 足立区 · 16 tips and reviews
Sendagi Station (C15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

46. Sendagi Station (C15)

千駄木3-36-7, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 千駄木 · 6 tips and reviews
Nezu Station (C14) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

47. Nezu Station (C14)

根津1-3-5, 文京区, 東京都
Metro Station · 文京区 · 18 tips and reviews
Yushima Station (C13) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

48. Yushima Station (C13)

湯島3-47-10, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 湯島 · 17 tips and reviews
Shin-ochanomizu Station (C12) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

49. Shin-ochanomizu Station (C12)

神田駿河台3, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 神田駿河台 · 20 tips and reviews
Nijubashimae 'Marunouchi' Station (C10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

50. Nijubashimae 'Marunouchi' Station (C10)

丸の内2-3-1, 千代田区, 東京都
Metro Station · 19 tips and reviews
Akasaka Station (C06) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

51. Akasaka Station (C06)

赤坂5-4-5 (東京メトロ千代田線), 港区, 東京都
Metro Station · 19 tips and reviews
Nogizaka Station (C05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

52. Nogizaka Station (C05)

南青山1-25-8, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 六本木 · 15 tips and reviews
Omote-sando Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

53. Omote-sando Station

北青山3-6-12, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 北青山 · 63 tips and reviews
Meiji-jingumae 'Harajuku' Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

54. Meiji-jingumae 'Harajuku' Station

神宮前 (千代田線/副都心線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 神南 · 35 tips and reviews
Yoyogi-koen Station (C02) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

55. Yoyogi-koen Station (C02)

富ヶ谷1-3-9, 渋谷区, 東京都
Metro Station · 8 tips and reviews
Gaiemmae Station (G03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

56. Gaiemmae Station (G03)

北青山2-7-16, 港区, 東京都
Metro Station · 11 tips and reviews
Akasaka-mitsuke Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

57. Akasaka-mitsuke Station

赤坂3-1-6 (銀座線/丸ノ内線), 港区, 東京都
Metro Station · 22 tips and reviews
Toranomon Station (G07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

58. Toranomon Station (G07)

虎ノ門1-1-21, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 愛宕 · 19 tips and reviews
Kyobashi Station (G10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

59. Kyobashi Station (G10)

京橋2-2-10, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 銀座 · 11 tips and reviews
Mitsukoshimae Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

60. Mitsukoshimae Station

日本橋室町2-2-1 (銀座線/半蔵門線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 室町 · 19 tips and reviews
Ueno-hirokoji Station (G15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

61. Ueno-hirokoji Station (G15)

上野3-29-3 (東京メトロ銀座線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 上野 · 7 tips and reviews
Inaricho Station (G17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

62. Inaricho Station (G17)

東上野3-33-11, 台東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 8 tips and reviews
Tawaramachi Station (G18) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

63. Tawaramachi Station (G18)

西浅草1-1-18, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 浅草 · 12 tips and reviews
Sumiyoshi Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

64. Sumiyoshi Station

住吉2/猿江2 (都営新宿線/半蔵門線), 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 9 tips and reviews
Suitengumae Station (Z10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

65. Suitengumae Station (Z10)

日本橋蛎殻町2-1-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 茅場町 · 27 tips and reviews
Hanzomon Station (Z05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

66. Hanzomon Station (Z05)

麹町1-6, 千代田区, 東京都
Metro Station · 19 tips and reviews
Kita-sando Station (F14) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

67. Kita-sando Station (F14)

千駄ヶ谷4-7-11, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 千駄ヶ谷 · 12 tips and reviews
Shinjuku-sanchome Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

68. Shinjuku-sanchome Station

新宿3/新宿5 (丸ノ内線/副都心線/都営新宿線), 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 41 tips and reviews
Nishi-waseda Station (F11) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

69. Nishi-waseda Station (F11)

戸山3-18-2, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 14 tips and reviews
Zoshigaya Station (F10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

70. Zoshigaya Station (F10)

雑司が谷2-6-1, 豊島区, 東京都
Metro Station · 豊島区 · 16 tips and reviews
Akebonobashi Station (S03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

71. Akebonobashi Station (S03)

住吉町7-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 市ヶ谷 · 14 tips and reviews
Ogawamachi Station (S07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

72. Ogawamachi Station (S07)

神田小川町1-6, 千代田区, 東京都
Metro Station · 神田小川町 · 13 tips and reviews
Iwamotocho Station (S08) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

73. Iwamotocho Station (S08)

神田岩本町1, 千代田区, 東京都
Metro Station · Chiyoda · 32 tips and reviews
Bakuro-yokoyama Station (S09) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

74. Bakuro-yokoyama Station (S09)

日本橋横山町4-13, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 小伝馬町 · 16 tips and reviews
Hamacho Station (S10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

75. Hamacho Station (S10)

日本橋浜町2-59-3 (都営新宿線), 中央区, 東京都
Metro Station · 浜町 · 7 tips and reviews
Nishi-ojima Station (S14) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

76. Nishi-ojima Station (S14)

大島2-41-19, 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 6 tips and reviews
Ojima Station (S15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

77. Ojima Station (S15)

大島5-10-8, 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 江東区 · 6 tips and reviews
Higashi-ojima Station (S16) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

78. Higashi-ojima Station (S16)

大島9-3-14, 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 江東区 · 11 tips and reviews
Funabori Station (S17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

79. Funabori Station (S17)

船堀3-6-1, 江戸川区, 東京都
Metro Station · 江戸川区 · 5 tips and reviews
Ichinoe Station (S18) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

80. Ichinoe Station (S18)

一之江8-14-1, 江戸川区, 東京都
Metro Station · 江戸川区 · 5 tips and reviews
Mizue Station (S19) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

81. Mizue Station (S19)

瑞江2-2-1, 江戸川区, 東京都
Metro Station · 江戸川区 · 7 tips and reviews
Shinozaki Station (S20) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

82. Shinozaki Station (S20)

篠崎町7-27-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 篠崎 · 4 tips and reviews
Kikukawa Station (S12) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

83. Kikukawa Station (S12)

菊川3-16-2, 墨田区, 東京都
Metro Station · 墨田区 · 3 tips and reviews
Kanamecho Station (Y08/F08) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

84. Kanamecho Station (Y08/F08)

要町1-1-10 (東京メトロ有楽町線 / 副都心線), 豊島区, 東京都
Metro Station · 豊島区 · 2 tips and reviews
Senkawa Station (Y07/F07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

85. Senkawa Station (Y07/F07)

要町3-10-7 (東京メトロ有楽町線 / 副都心線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 板橋区 · 4 tips and reviews
Hikawadai Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

86. Hikawadai Station

氷川台3-38-18 (有楽町線/副都心線), 練馬区, 東京都
Metro Station · 4 tips and reviews
Heiwadai Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

87. Heiwadai Station

早宮2-17-48 (有楽町線/副都心線), 練馬区, 東京都
Metro Station · 9 tips and reviews
Chikatetsu-akatsuka Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

88. Chikatetsu-akatsuka Station

北町8-37-16 (有楽町線/副都心線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 板橋区 · 6 tips and reviews
Chikatetsu-narimasu Station (Y02/F02) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

89. Chikatetsu-narimasu Station (Y02/F02)

成増2-11-3 (有楽町線/副都心線), 板橋区, 東京都
Metro Station · 成増 · 11 tips and reviews
Higashi-ikebukuro Station (Y10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

90. Higashi-ikebukuro Station (Y10)

東池袋4-4-4, 豊島区, 東京都
Metro Station · 26 tips and reviews
Gokokuji Station (Y11) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

91. Gokokuji Station (Y11)

大塚5-40-8, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 小日向 · 15 tips and reviews
Edogawabashi Station (Y12) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

92. Edogawabashi Station (Y12)

関口1-19-6 (有楽町線), 文京区, 東京都
Metro Station · 文京区 · 18 tips and reviews
Kojimachi Station (Y15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

93. Kojimachi Station (Y15)

麹町3-2, 千代田区, 東京都
Metro Station · 10 tips and reviews
Sakuradamon Station (Y17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

94. Sakuradamon Station (Y17)

霞が関2-1-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 霞が関 · 11 tips and reviews
Ginza-itchome Station (Y19) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

95. Ginza-itchome Station (Y19)

銀座1-7-12 (有楽町線), 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 銀座 · 18 tips and reviews
Shintomicho Station (Y20) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

96. Shintomicho Station (Y20)

築地1-1-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 明石町 · 23 tips and reviews
Tatsumi Station (Y23) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

97. Tatsumi Station (Y23)

辰巳1-1-44 (有楽町線), 江東区, 東京都
Metro Station · 13 tips and reviews
Shin-otsuka Station (M24) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

98. Shin-otsuka Station (M24)

大塚4-51-5, 文京区, 東京都
Metro Station · 8 tips and reviews
Myogadani Station (M23) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

99. Myogadani Station (M23)

小日向4-6-15, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 小日向 · 19 tips and reviews
Awajicho Station (M19) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

100. Awajicho Station (M19)

神田淡路町1-2, 千代田区, 東京都
Metro Station · 15 tips and reviews
Yotsuya-sanchome Station (M11) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

101. Yotsuya-sanchome Station (M11)

四谷3-8, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 四谷 · 14 tips and reviews
Shinjuku-gyoemmae Station (M10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

102. Shinjuku-gyoemmae Station (M10)

新宿1-7-2, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 12 tips and reviews
Nishi-shinjuku Station (M07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

103. Nishi-shinjuku Station (M07)

西新宿6-7-51, 新宿区, 東京都
Metro Station · 25 tips and reviews
Shin-nakano Station (M05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

104. Shin-nakano Station (M05)

中央4-2-15, 中野区, 東京都
Metro Station · 新中野 · 6 tips and reviews
Higashi-koenji Station (M04) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

105. Higashi-koenji Station (M04)

和田3-55-42, 杉並区, 東京都
Metro Station · 5 tips and reviews
Shin-koenji Station (M03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

106. Shin-koenji Station (M03)

高円寺南2-20-1, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 梅里 · 9 tips and reviews
Minami-asagaya Station (M02) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

107. Minami-asagaya Station (M02)

阿佐谷南1-15-7, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 阿佐ヶ谷駅 · 12 tips and reviews
Nakano-shimbashi Station (Mb05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

108. Nakano-shimbashi Station (Mb05)

弥生町2-26-8, 中野区, 東京都
Metro Station · 中野区 · 9 tips and reviews
Nakano-fujimicho Station (Mb04) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

109. Nakano-fujimicho Station (Mb04)

弥生町5-24-4, 中野区, 東京都
Metro Station · 中野区 · 5 tips and reviews
Honancho Station (Mb03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

110. Honancho Station (Mb03)

堀ノ内1-1-1, 杉並区, 東京都
Metro Station · 11 tips and reviews
Minami-Shinjuku Station (OH02) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

111. Minami-Shinjuku Station (OH02)

代々木2-29-16, 渋谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 9 tips and reviews

112. Yoyogi-Hachiman Station (OH04)

代々木5-6-1, 渋谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 渋谷区 · 19 tips and reviews

atknktn™atknktn™: 小田急小田原線の普通しか停まらないカーブの途中にある駅。電車とホームの間が広く開いておりますので乗り降りにはご注意ください。

113. Sangubashi Station (OH03)

代々木4-6-7, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 初台 · 14 tips and reviews

xanthus256xanthus256: 普段は各駅停車しか停まらないけど、大晦日の終夜運転のときは、明治神宮参拝者向けに、ロマンスカーが泊まる。

114. Yoyogi-Uehara Station

西原3-8-5, 渋谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 37 tips and reviews

Tomoo A.Tomoo Amano: 千代田線と小田急線の接続ポイント

Higashi-Kitazawa Station (OH06) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

115. Higashi-Kitazawa Station (OH06)

北沢3-1-4, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 11 tips and reviews
Shimo-Kitazawa Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

116. Shimo-Kitazawa Station

北沢2-20-1, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 下北沢 · 77 tips and reviews
Setagaya-Daita Station (OH08) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

117. Setagaya-Daita Station (OH08)

代田2-31-12, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 下北沢 · 17 tips and reviews

118. Umegaoka Station (OH09)

梅丘1-31-21, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 東松原 · 11 tips and reviews

parlan u.parlan u: 美登利寿司が有名ですが。北口にはケヤキが美しいロータリーがあり、その先には梅祭りで有名な羽根木公園があります。閑静ないい街です。

119. Gotokuji Station (OH10)

豪徳寺1-43, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 12 tips and reviews

ganeganeganegane: 世田谷線乗り換えはこの駅。世田谷線の駅名は山下駅。降りたらすぐにあります。

120. Kyodo Station (OH11)

経堂2-1-3, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 27 tips and reviews

Mickey S.Mickey Setagaya: 昼間と土日祝は急行が停まる特殊な時刻表

121. Chitose-Funabashi Station (OH12)

船橋1-1-5, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 14 tips and reviews

N/AN/A: バスターミナルが駅からちょっと遠い、出口出てすぐには見えない。地図を見ても分かりづらいので、人に聞くのが無難。

Soshigaya-Okura Station (OH13) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

122. Soshigaya-Okura Station (OH13)

祖師谷1-7-1, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 28 tips and reviews

ブルーツリーブルーツリー: ウルトラマンの街という事で、電車が来るときの音楽もウルトラマン♪上りと下りで音楽が違う。

Seijōgakuen-mae Station (OH14) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

123. Seijōgakuen-mae Station (OH14)

成城6-5-34 (小田急小田原線), 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 36 tips and reviews
Kitami Station (OH15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

124. Kitami Station (OH15)

喜多見9-2-26 (小田急小田原線), 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 狛江 · 10 tips and reviews
Komae Station (OH16) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

125. Komae Station (OH16)

東和泉1-17-1, 狛江市, 東京都
Rail Station · 狛江 · 12 tips and reviews
Izumi-Tamagawa Station (OH17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

126. Izumi-Tamagawa Station (OH17)

東和泉4-2-1, 狛江市, 東京都
Rail Station · 狛江 · 5 tips and reviews
Hatsudai Station (KO02) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

127. Hatsudai Station (KO02)

初台1-53-7, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 初台 · 18 tips and reviews
Hatagaya Station (KO03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

128. Hatagaya Station (KO03)

幡ヶ谷1-2-1 (京王新線), 渋谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 13 tips and reviews
Sasazuka Station (KO04) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

129. Sasazuka Station (KO04)

笹塚1-56 (京王新線/京王線), 渋谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 30 tips and reviews
Daitabashi Station (KO05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

130. Daitabashi Station (KO05)

大原2-18-9, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 5 tips and reviews
Meidaimae Station (KO06/IN08) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

131. Meidaimae Station (KO06/IN08)

松原2-45-1, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 明大前 · 26 tips and reviews
Keio Shimo-takaido Station (KO07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

132. Keio Shimo-takaido Station (KO07)

(京王 下高井戸駅)
松原3-29-17, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 明大 · 15 tips and reviews
Sakurajosui Station (KO08) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

133. Sakurajosui Station (KO08)

桜上水5-29-52, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 19 tips and reviews
Kami-kitazawa Station (KO09) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

134. Kami-kitazawa Station (KO09)

上北沢4-20, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 北沢 · 8 tips and reviews
Hachimanyama Station (KO10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

135. Hachimanyama Station (KO10)

上高井戸1-1-11, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 下高井戸 · 8 tips and reviews
Roka-kōen Station (KO11) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

136. Roka-kōen Station (KO11)

南烏山3-1-16, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 11 tips and reviews
Chitose-karasuyama Station (KO12) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

137. Chitose-karasuyama Station (KO12)

南烏山6-1-1, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 7 tips and reviews
Sengawa Station (KO13) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

138. Sengawa Station (KO13)

仙川町1-43, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 調布 · 16 tips and reviews
Tsutsujigaoka Station (KO14) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

139. Tsutsujigaoka Station (KO14)

西つつじヶ丘3-35-1, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 調布 · 24 tips and reviews
Shibasaki Station (KO15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

140. Shibasaki Station (KO15)

菊野台2-67-11, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 調布 · 4 tips and reviews
Kokuryō Station (KO16) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

141. Kokuryō Station (KO16)

国領町3-18-1, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 11 tips and reviews
Fuda Station (KO17) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

142. Fuda Station (KO17)

国領町5-67-1, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 調布 · 6 tips and reviews
Nishi-chōfu Station (KO19) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

143. Nishi-chōfu Station (KO19)

上石原1-25-17, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 調布 · 6 tips and reviews
Tobitakyū Station (KO20) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

144. Tobitakyū Station (KO20)

飛田給1-15-1, 調布市, 東京都
Rail Station · 調布 · 15 tips and reviews
Musashinodai Station (KO21) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

145. Musashinodai Station (KO21)

白糸台4-18-4, 府中市, 東京都
Rail Station · 府中 · 4 tips and reviews
Tama-reien Station (KO22) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

146. Tama-reien Station (KO22)

清水が丘3-26-11, 府中市, 東京都
Rail Station · 府中 · 3 tips and reviews
Higashi-fuchū Station (KO23) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

147. Higashi-fuchū Station (KO23)

清水が丘1-8-3, 府中市, 東京都
Rail Station · 府中 · 18 tips and reviews
Fuchū Station (KO24) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

148. Fuchū Station (KO24)

宮町1-1 (京王線), 府中市, 東京都
Rail Station · 府中 · 14 tips and reviews
Bubaigawara Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

149. Bubaigawara Station

片町2-21-18 (京王線/JR南武線), 府中市, 東京都
Rail Station · 府中 · 21 tips and reviews
Nakagawara Station (KO26) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

150. Nakagawara Station (KO26)

住吉町2-1-16, 府中市, 東京都
Rail Station · 2 tips and reviews
Seiseki-sakuragaoka Station (KO27) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

151. Seiseki-sakuragaoka Station (KO27)

関戸1-10-10, 多摩市, 東京都
Rail Station · 聖蹟桜ヶ丘 · 22 tips and reviews
Mogusaen Station (KO28) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

152. Mogusaen Station (KO28)

百草209, 日野市, 東京都
Rail Station · 日野 · 12 tips and reviews
Minamidaira Station (KO30) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

153. Minamidaira Station (KO30)

南平6-9-31, 日野市, 東京都
Rail Station · 日野 · 6 tips and reviews
Hirayamajōshi-kōen Station (KO31) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

154. Hirayamajōshi-kōen Station (KO31)

平山5-18-10, 日野市, 東京都
Rail Station · 日野 · 1 tip
Naganuma Station (KO32) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

155. Naganuma Station (KO32)

長沼町700, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 5 tips and reviews
Kitano Station (KO33) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

156. Kitano Station (KO33)

打越町335-1 (京王線/京王高尾線), 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 八王子 · 9 tips and reviews
Keiō-hachiōji Station (KO34) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

157. Keiō-hachiōji Station (KO34)

明神町3-27-1, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 15 tips and reviews
Shinsen Station (IN02) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

158. Shinsen Station (IN02)

神泉町4-6, 渋谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 12 tips and reviews
Komaba-tōdaimae Station (IN03) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

159. Komaba-tōdaimae Station (IN03)

駒場3-9-1, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 駒場 · 13 tips and reviews
Ikenoue Station (IN04) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

160. Ikenoue Station (IN04)

代沢2-43-8 (京王井の頭線), 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 8 tips and reviews
Shindaita Station (IN06) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

161. Shindaita Station (IN06)

代田5-30-18, 世田谷区, 東京都
Rail Station · 11 tips and reviews
Higashi-matsubara Station (IN07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

162. Higashi-matsubara Station (IN07)

松原5-2-6, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 東松原 · 8 tips and reviews
Eifukuchō Station (IN09) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

163. Eifukuchō Station (IN09)

永福2-60-31, 杉並区, 東京都
Rail Station · 杉並区 · 18 tips and reviews
Nishi-eifuku Station (IN10) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

164. Nishi-eifuku Station (IN10)

永福3-36-1, 杉並区, 東京都
Rail Station · 8 tips and reviews
Hamadayama Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

165. Hamadayama Station

浜田山3-31-2, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 浜田山 · 11 tips and reviews
Takaido Station (IN12) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

166. Takaido Station (IN12)

高井戸西2-1-26, 杉並区, 東京都
Rail Station · 7 tips and reviews
Fujimigaoka Station (IN13) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

167. Fujimigaoka Station (IN13)

久我山5-1-25 (京王井の頭線), 杉並区, 東京都
Rail Station · 4 tips and reviews
Kugayama Station (IN14) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

168. Kugayama Station (IN14)

久我山4-1-11, 杉並区, 東京都
Rail Station · 14 tips and reviews
Mitakadai Station (IN15) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

169. Mitakadai Station (IN15)

井の頭1-32-1, 三鷹市, 東京都
Rail Station · 9 tips and reviews
Inokashira-kōen Station (IN16) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

170. Inokashira-kōen Station (IN16)

井の頭3 (京王井の頭線), 三鷹市, 東京都
Rail Station · 6 tips and reviews
Keiō-katakura Station (KO48) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

171. Keiō-katakura Station (KO48)

片倉町39-4, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 八王子 · 9 tips and reviews
Yamada Station (KO49) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

172. Yamada Station (KO49)

緑町434, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 4 tips and reviews
Mejirodai Station (KO50) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

173. Mejirodai Station (KO50)

めじろ台1-100-1, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 八王子 · 12 tips and reviews
Hazama Station (KO51) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

174. Hazama Station (KO51)

東浅川町773, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 2 tips and reviews
Takaosanguchi Station (KO53) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

175. Takaosanguchi Station (KO53)

高尾町2241, 八王子市, 東京都
Rail Station · 22 tips and reviews
Kamikitadai Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

176. Kamikitadai Station

上北台1-5, 東大和市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 8 tips and reviews
Sakurakaido Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

177. Sakurakaido Station

上北台3-470, 東大和市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 1 tip
Sunagawa-Nanaban Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

178. Sunagawa-Nanaban Station

幸町5-1, 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 2 tips and reviews
Izumi-Taiikukan Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

179. Izumi-Taiikukan Station

泉町841, 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 1 tip
Tachihi Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

180. Tachihi Station

泉町935, 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 3 tips and reviews
Takamatsu Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

181. Takamatsu Station

高松町1-21 (多摩都市モノレール), 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 3 tips and reviews
Tachikawa-Kita Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

182. Tachikawa-Kita Station

曙町2 (多摩都市モノレール), 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 11 tips and reviews
Tachikawa-Minami Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

183. Tachikawa-Minami Station

柴崎町3-7 (多摩都市モノレール), 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 8 tips and reviews
Shibasaki-Taiikukan Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

184. Shibasaki-Taiikukan Station

柴崎町6-107, 立川市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 立川 · 1 tip
Koshukaido Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

185. Koshukaido Station

日野1030, 日野市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 日野 · 4 tips and reviews
Manganji Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

186. Manganji Station

新井124, 日野市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 日野 · 1 tip
Hodokubo Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

187. Hodokubo Station

程久保8-1 (多摩都市モノレール), 日野市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 日野 · 1 tip
Chuo-Daigaku Meisei-Daigaku Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

188. Chuo-Daigaku Meisei-Daigaku Station

東中野742, 八王子市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 4 tips and reviews
Ōtsuka Teikyō-Daigaku Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

189. Ōtsuka Teikyō-Daigaku Station

大塚1473, 八王子市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 1 tip
Matsugaya Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

190. Matsugaya Station

松が谷40, 八王子市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 八王子 · 2 tips and reviews
Tama Center Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

191. Tama Center Station

落合1-48-1, 多摩市, 東京都
Light Rail Station · 多摩市 · 11 tips and reviews
Odakyu Nagayama Station (OT05) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

192. Odakyu Nagayama Station (OT05)

永山1-18-23, 多摩市, 東京都
Rail Station · 多摩市 · 9 tips and reviews
Odakyu Tama-Center Station (OT06) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

193. Odakyu Tama-Center Station (OT06)

落合1-11-2, 多摩市, 東京都
Rail Station · 多摩市 · 4 tips and reviews
Karakida Station (OT07) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

194. Karakida Station (OT07)

中沢2-11, 多摩市, 東京都
Rail Station · 8 tips and reviews
Tsurukawa Station (OH25) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

195. Tsurukawa Station (OH25)

能ヶ谷1-6-3, 町田市, 東京都
Rail Station · 15 tips and reviews
Tamagawagakuen-mae Station (OH26) is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

196. Tamagawagakuen-mae Station (OH26)

玉川学園2-21-9 (小田急小田原線), 町田市, 東京都
Rail Station · 12 tips and reviews
Machida Station is one of Stations in Tokyo 3.

197. Machida Station

原町田1-1-36/6-12-20, 町田市, 東京都
Rail Station · 20 tips and reviews