Iowa City
Museum of Natural History is one of Iowa City.

1. Museum of Natural History

10 Macbride Hall (University of Iowa), Iowa City, IA
Museum · 4 tips and reviews
Sheraton Iowa City Hotel is one of Iowa City.

2. Sheraton Iowa City Hotel

210 S Dubuque St (at College St), Iowa City, IA
Hotel · 19 tips and reviews
Hancher Auditorium is one of Iowa City.

3. Hancher Auditorium

Park Rd, Iowa City, IA
College Auditorium · 1 tip
Campus Recreation and Wellness Center is one of Iowa City.

4. Campus Recreation and Wellness Center

309 S Madison St (at Burlington and Madison), Iowa City, IA
College Rec Center · 35 tips and reviews
University Of Iowa Special Collections is one of Iowa City.

5. University Of Iowa Special Collections

100 Main Library, Iowa City, IA
College Library · 2 tips and reviews
Hamburg Inn No. 2 is one of Iowa City.

6. Hamburg Inn No. 2

214 N Linn St, Iowa City, IA
Diner · 58 tips and reviews
Pedestrian Mall is one of Iowa City.

7. Pedestrian Mall

Dubuque St (at College St), Iowa City, IA
Plaza · 18 tips and reviews
The Mill is one of Iowa City.

8. The Mill

120 E Burlington St (Clinton and Burlington), Iowa City, IA
Music Venue · 33 tips and reviews
Iowa City Brewlab is one of Iowa City.

9. Iowa City Brewlab

505 E Washington St, Iowa City, IA
Brewery · 2 tips and reviews
A & A Pagliai's Pizza is one of Iowa City.

10. A & A Pagliai's Pizza

302 E Bloomington St, Iowa City, IA
Restaurant · 16 tips and reviews

11. OPN Architects

26 S Clinton St (E Washington), Iowa City, IA
Office · No tips or reviews
Visual Arts Building is one of Iowa City.

12. Visual Arts Building

Iowa City, IA
College Arts Building · No tips or reviews
Kinnick Stadium is one of Iowa City.

13. Kinnick Stadium

825 Stadium Dr, Iowa City, IA
College Football Field · 59 tips and reviews
Bluebird Diner is one of Iowa City.

14. Bluebird Diner

330 E Market St (at Gilbert St), Iowa City, IA
Diner · 30 tips and reviews
Clinton Street Social Club is one of Iowa City.

15. Clinton Street Social Club

18 1/2 S Clinton St, Iowa City, IA
Gastropub · 26 tips and reviews
Deadwood Tavern is one of Iowa City.

16. Deadwood Tavern

6 S Dubuque St, Iowa City, IA
Bar · 24 tips and reviews
George's is one of Iowa City.

17. George's

312 E Market St (Linn st), Iowa City, IA
Bar · 11 tips and reviews
Dublin Underground is one of Iowa City.

18. Dublin Underground

5 S Dubuque St (off Iowa Ave), Iowa City, IA
Pub · 16 tips and reviews
Brown Bottle is one of Iowa City.

19. Brown Bottle

125 E Zeller St, North Liberty, IA
Italian Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
The Vine Tavern & Eatery is one of Iowa City.

20. The Vine Tavern & Eatery

39 2nd St, Coralville, IA
American Restaurant · 40 tips and reviews
Old Capitol is one of Iowa City.

21. Old Capitol

21 North Clinton St., Iowa City, IA
History Museum · 15 tips and reviews