Amassed by charismatic patrons Donald and Mera Rubell, this expansive collection is housed in a monumental 45,000-square-foot space that was once owned by the Drug Enforcement Agency. Read more
Partake in Rubell Family Collection food art 9a-12 W-Su @ArtBasel via —and renowned works of Basquiat, Hirst, Koons, Sherman, Walker & Warhol, of course! @ABMB
Partake in Rubell Family Collection food art 9a-12 W-Su @ArtBasel via —and renowned works of Basquiat, Hirst, Koons, Sherman, Walker & Warhol, of course!
The Rubells don't shy away from nudity or shock factor and hope to create discussions across generations - meaning you might not want to bring the kids or others with more sensitive tastes. Read more
Miami: Visit Jennifer Rubell's food installation "Just Right" inspired by the Goldilocks fairytale during Art Basel 2010. Click more info to watch our video of her explaining the piece. Read more
Some of the most impressive contemporary art in the world – Koons, Prince, Warhol, Sherman. The exhibits change regularly and if you covet fine art, it’s a must see.