Rome Sketchbook

Rome Sketchbook


Explorations of Rome on paper, using the sketchbook to study the history of the city.

Roma, Italia
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Rome Sketchbook
6 places updated November 11, 2021
In 312 a.d Constantine took power in Rome. He quickly raised Christianity to officially favoured status and within 10 years began a vast church building campaign using the model of the roman basilica.
Rome Sketchbook
11 places updated November 11, 2021
Kneel down below the apse of a church with a mediaeval mosaic, look up and you will be enveloped in the world of the Second Coming, the tribulations of Apocalypse and the descent of Heaven on Earth.
Rome Sketchbook
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Rome Sketchbook
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    "In the centre of the triumphal arch mosaic, Christ appears looking angry and holding the rod of iron with which he is to 'rule all nations' (Revelations 12:5)."
    Rome SketchbookRome Sketchbook · November 12, 2011
    "Usually this style of mosaic has Christ at the centre with saints either side, whereas here Saint Agnes takes centre stage, with the flames of her martyrdom at her feet."
    Rome SketchbookRome Sketchbook · November 12, 2011
    "Christ and his mother sit enthroned in the circle which represents the Universe, beyond is the gold sky and angels of Heaven."
    Rome SketchbookRome Sketchbook · November 12, 2011
    · Roma, Italia
    "The apse mosaic is filled with characters from the book of Revelations, down to the Tree of Life indicated by the phoenix sitting in it's branches."
    Rome SketchbookRome Sketchbook · November 12, 2011
    · Roma, Italia
    "The earliest surviving mosaic representation of the Second Coming in Rome, forerunner of all later versions. This was commissioned by Felix IV in the 530s."
    Rome SketchbookRome Sketchbook · November 11, 2011
    "This very early circular building has two apses, with Christ in his two aspects as God, ruling over the Universe and distributing the law, and as the Son who commands his apostles to spread his word."
    Rome SketchbookRome Sketchbook · November 11, 2011
    · Roma, Italia