Lol. Everytime when I'm ordering beer or something, bartenders look like they're ultimately bothered. Every fuckin time. I'm not usually nitpicky about bartenders, but this had to go out.
Go downstairs, on the left then, for the club with "live" music. There's usually an extra to pay for it but it's pretty faire, like 90 Czech crowns. Get there way before midnight for live band!!!
This looked like a really cool bar. Unfortunately, it is a smoking bar (as most bars in Prague seemed to be) and that's why we didn't stay long but I can imagine that there are good nights happening😊
It used to be “hot” in early 2000, now it’s more of a place to go when there’s no choice. Still extremely strong cigarette smell from the pre-smoking ban times. Very low-key but there’re better bars.
Úžasný lidi a bezkonkurenční muzika. Vyplatí se chodit na DJ party, hrajou i na přání a když není akce, žádný vstup. Škoda, že se zavírá už kolem 3 ráno, ale na národní je vždycky kam jít dál.
co je to za mor, ze ve vsech klubech najednou cepujou budvar? ugh. zvuk v klubu byl vzdycky na dve veci, zvlast v kombinaci s ocividne hluchejma zvukarema.
Tip: Lepší je chodit na záchody dole, je jich tam míň, takže je menší fronta. Dejte si pozor, v kolik hodin zavírá šatna, protože někdy je to dřív, než v kolik zavírá klub.