Everything was on point at this restaurant. Fresh salad w/ goat cheese and beetroot salad was 1 of the best beetroot dishes I've ever had. Only a hint of earthiness. :) and their famous bread...wow...
For main course I would recommend Lamb with pistachio and Dream Brule and berries for desert. Tartar for starters did not meet my taste. However, their home black bread is extreemely tasty.
This restaurant has my heart! Taste, vibrant colours, athmosphere, service and good selection of drinks. Waiters will always tell about the food and make you even more interested about it. Thumbs up!
Food presentation is a true art. Elktartar is a must-see and -try. Dont refrain yourself from a "wow" at first sight. Great sea food soup with strong lobster taste. Good black bread!
Excellent food and service. The waitresses got my order wrong and as a way of saying sorry, I was offered a glass of Estonianrum. Now that is how you do service. Highly recommended.
даю наводку - пожалуй, лучший гастрономический ресторан Эстонии. все, от комплиментов от шеф-повара до блюд соответствует весьма порядочному гастроресторану
Для топ 50 ресторановЭстонии просто позор! Атмосфера и настроение были испорчены!!! И вкусно и грустно! Думайте и о ваших клиентах иногда! А не о топах и победоносных конкурсах!
Посадили конечно жопно, как не любимых родственников, сбоку. Но кухня явно по все параметрам претендует на высокую: меню, подача, вкус - все дико оригинально и многогранно. Ценник вызывает смех