Excellent place for lunch! Tasty food and good service. Try fried dogfish for starter, Lebanese salad and potato with eggs and ham - yummy! Better to make a reserve before opening:)
For me definitely the best dish-place on GC! ;) A bit crowded in the evenings, so it´s better for you to have a reservation. Wonderful beefmeat balls with rice and La Cookie as a dessert - awesome!
I can’t remember the name but show the photo to the waiter and they will know it straight away! Very tasty great as a snack with a beer or as part of a meal.
Fietfiew! Lovely place, great service and delicious food. Every choice won't dissapoint you. special recommended are the fried eggplant, meatballs, falafel. A dessert is a must. Buen provecho!
Best steak I've had in quite sometime and for a fraction of the price compared to other places. Also, the bread and tomato/olive oil was amazing by itself!
Ceviche is a must here! We also loved the salad with walnuts. Meatballs & croquettes would have been good with those dishes so ask for everything to be served at once. My favourite restaurant here!
Really nicely served and tasty food, good services, however fries were quite heavy(too fat), so avoid if you have stomach problems.Anyway it's worth to recommend.
3rd time here,l Waiter on the terr. was vey unfriendly, beef turned up to be raw imand they tried to get rid of us to make room for new clients. All fault of the incomp. of this spec. waiter though.
I agree with being cozy and nice for small groups like double dates, but quality of food is not very top, fair but not as I expected based on the ratings...
Rico carpaccio de trufas, champiñones y parmesano. Ricas brochecitas de pollo con salsa de mostaza (aparte). Rico arroz con Bogavante. Rica tarta Allende, con un poco de nata y más galleta este mejor.
Probamos las croquetas de risotto de setas, la ensalada Allende, el salmorejo, el arroz negro con chipirones y alioli y langostinos en tempura. Para coronar 2 tartitas: Tía María y chocolate.
Sapori veri, autentici. Posto molto carino e trendy. Frequentato sia da giovani che da famiglie e amici di tutte le età.Personale simpatico e disponibile. Si trova in centro città. Consigliatissimo!
El humus de los mejores que he probado, el carpaccio de ternera con trufa y el plato del día fue carrillera que estaba muy buena, no pongo fotos porque los platos volaron antes de tiempo 😂
Das Essen hat Höhen und Tiefen. Man wird schnell abgefertigt. Wohl fühlen und entspannt essen ist anders. Weinberatung auf englisch gibt es nicht - nur dry oder sweet - Hauptsache schnell. Steak no go
Me encanta la relación precio calidad de este lugar. Vinos y raciones para comer en entorno agradable. Casi siempre lleno. Los productos y el ambiente, son reseñables
Son rápidos y amables/nos gusto las ensaladas las empanadas las carrileras el humus el foie buenísimo aunque demasiado caramelizado y el palafel bueno pero para mi gusto demasiado especiado
Amor loco por las berenjenas con miel de palma. Los huevos estrellados, cada vez más secos. Buen servicio. Mejor ambiente. Muy conocido en #LasPalmasdeGranCanaria
Hola, estoy montando una plataforma de comercio electrónico para exportar productos artesanales de las Islas Canarias, gracias, saludos....................................................CANARYEX
Restaurante Allende
Domingo J. Navarro (Viera y Clavijo) 35007Las Palmas de Gran CanariaCanarias España