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Modern European Restaurant and Mediterranean Restaurant$$$$
Praha 4, Praha
  • Tips
    Katarina F.
    "Fancy food, very nice seating on the terrace under the trees"(2 Tips)
    Katya O.
    "Very cozy place to have dinner or take a cup of tea"(4 Tips)
    Simon P.
    "2 menu sections dedicated to fish & seafood"(11 Tips)
    Mel H.
    "Nice environment, good service"(3 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon50 Tips and reviews
  • trendy
  • good for groups
  • healthy food
  • restaurants
  • quiet
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  • Jana A. Kriheart icon on user image
    Jana A. KriMay 13, 2019
    Fresh and inventive cuisine, on a pricier side. Fancy interior, but their main advantage is spacious outdoor seating, grill is included. Great selection of wines, including the house wine from Austria
    Upvoted Feb 20
  • Simon P.
    Simon PhanJanuary 11, 2018
    Chic decor resto with decent food. With 2 menu sections dedicated to fish & seafood, I had grill shrimp w wasabi mashed potato and a slice of delicious Pavova cake, with creme filling strawberries.
  • Baru S.heart icon on user image
    Baru SirotkováJune 25, 2017
    This place is really great, very nice and cozy interier and garden, tasty food and amazing wines. Staff was very nice, helpful and they know a lot about wines.
  • Andrey N.heart icon on user image
    Andrey NoldenDecember 27, 2015
    Service was amazing, but oh my good, the food... I probably had one of the best mushroom soup in my life and after that they brought pasta with shrimps... 10/10, had a food orgasm, would return here
  • Sergey K.heart icon on user image
    Sergey KolmakovNovember 22, 2014
    Very friendly staff, fantastic atmosphere, vast selection of Italian wine and most of all delicious food. Everything from tapas to home made ice cream was fantastic. 10/10 a must visit place
  • Luc v.heart icon on user image
    Luc van AalderenAugust 14, 2018
    Great quality of food for a reasonable price. Service was about perfect. Location is close to a bunch of ships with bars, which are great for grabbing a drink afterwards!
  • Jiří Č.heart icon on user image
    Jiří ČernýNovember 27, 2014
    Been here 5+ times
    Cozy place with romantic atmosphere, sometimes hard to get a place. The fireplace in the middle of the restaurant makes it simply perfect.
  • Oleksandr B.heart icon on user image
    Oleksandr BalkashynAugust 19, 2019
    Extremely tasty sea soup with lots of squids, shrimps. You’ll definitely love it. Try all starters.
  • Katya O.heart icon on user image
    Katya ObolenskayaSeptember 20, 2017
    Very cozy place to have dinner or take a cup of tea this cold autumn☕️ Waiters are very nice and amiable👍🏼
  • Simon H.
    Simon HentonApril 17, 2013
    Great food, and great service, in a nice setting. We were lucky that we could start our meal outside and then move inside later to finish off.
  • Marco D.
    Marco D'AAugust 23, 2013
    Nice Barbecue and fresh fish. We enjoyed an excellent Burger and good spare ribs. Ideal in summer, cause of the nice garden.
  • Ven D.heart icon on user image
    Ven DettaSeptember 19, 2015
    Everything was perfect. Atmosphere, service, food, desserts and coffee.
  • Jon G.heart icon on user image
    Jon GarsideMay 8, 2016
    Tapas is wonderful. The Arancini and cheese especially so
  • Lua M.heart icon on user image
    Lua MinguanteFebruary 3, 2016
    5 stars food for a 3 stars price! Very tasty! Great atmosphere. Friendly staff
  • Nikola K.heart icon on user image
    Nikola KverkováDecember 11, 2019
    Delicious mussels and also burgers😍😍
  • Zach H.heart icon on user image
    Zach HarrodJuly 14, 2017
    Been here 50+ times
    Can't go wrong at Rest. Recommended everything.
  • Ladislav B.
    Ladislav BenešNovember 13, 2012
    Cozy, warm chill-out atmosphere with a fireplace, still in a simple modern style. The personell will still grow. The food was ok, but some space for improvement exists.
  • Márcio V.heart icon on user image
    Márcio VenturiNovember 1, 2018
    Ate a chicken satay with salad and noodle (could have more chicken). It was alright. Too much raw coriander for my taste. The waitress was nice but a little absent from the outdoor area where I was.
  • Katarina F.heart icon on user image
    Katarina FoxMay 29, 2017
    Fancy food, very nice seating on the terrace under the trees
  • Natalia K.heart icon on user image
    Natalia KobylkinaAugust 2, 2018
    Nice seating, good selection of wines. However, got really expensive over last 2 years.
  • Jon G.
    Jon GoldmannSeptember 10, 2024
    The full fish for two. Excellent
  • Atahan C.
    Atahan C.August 1, 2021
    Awesome seafood 👍👍👍
  • Andrea B.heart icon on user image
    Andrea BachledovaNovember 18, 2016
    Great staff. Very professional.
  • Anna K.heart icon on user image
    Anna KelišováSeptember 3, 2019
    Seafood soup:)
  • Mel H.heart icon on user image
    Mel HMay 16, 2019
    Nice environment, good service
  • Jana B.heart icon on user image
    Jana BeranovaAugust 24, 2015
    Good food but bit pricey, nice outdoor area for sitting. The service and waitresses- confused, slow, disorganized.
  • Yarushkaheart icon on user image
    YarushkaOctober 6, 2012
    Ciabatta s pomalu varenym jehnecim masem
  • Ivana S.
    Ivana SApril 11, 2013
    Been here 5+ times
    Grilovany kozy syr nemal chybicku, gurmansky zazitok!
  • Honza N.
    Honza NousekMarch 30, 2018
    Food looks good but taste is nothing special. Definitely not worth the price, I wouldn't recommend eating here.
  • Honza H.heart icon on user image
    Honza HonzíkovatýSeptember 28, 2016
    15min 4 persons sitting in an empty restaurant and nobody came. So we decided to leave. Never again!
  • Igor H.
    Igor HrcekApril 10, 2017
    Too expensive, literally nothing on the menu. Do not go there.
  • Ctibor J.heart icon on user image
    Ctibor JappelJanuary 22, 2015
    V.. e.. r.. y.. slow and not very capable service. Can not recommend.
  • Аленаheart icon on user image
    АленаAugust 25, 2016
    Очень приятная атмосфера, дружелюбные официанты, хорошая кухня. Отличный грибной суп (Kulajda) и филе трески с картофельным пюре со сливочным соусом.Большой выбор вин. Есть детское меню. Рекомендую:)
  • Виктория М.heart icon on user image
    Отличная еда!!! Все было великолепно! Утка, курица, Тапасы выше всяких похвал! Но работать заканчивают раньше заявленного времени ~на 1 час.
  • Вика В.
    Гастропаб с такими ценами- находка. Рыбный суп-сказочно вкусный. Уютные дворик и зал, хорошая атмосфера. Даже дорога рядом не мешает. Не туристическое место, для своих. По-домашнему. Ставлю пять.
  • Jana S.heart icon on user image
    Jana StudničkováSeptember 14, 2016
    Velmi hezké, příjemné a klidné prostředí. Obsluha a celý personál je přátelský, ochotný, milý, prostě na jedničku! A kalamáry s tzatziki, jsou famózní a nejlepší!
  • Janina S.heart icon on user image
    Janina SajfrtováOctober 20, 2012
    Been here 10+ times
    Příjemná restaurace s krbem, knížkami, pohovkou, velice milým personálem (což se v Čechách bohužel stále nebere za standart) a výtečným jídlem! V nabídce jsou i kvalitní sýry, uzeniny a dětská jídla..
  • Wwera W.
    Wwera WasabiJune 20, 2017
    Been here 5+ times
    Ja opravdu nevidim where is the hype? Pomalejsi servis jsem dlouho nezazila. Predkrm musle sv.jakuba - nevim jaka je mozna nejmensi velikost - jidlo nemelo snad ani 5g. Hranolky nasakle olejem atd.
  • Natalie S.heart icon on user image
    Natalie S.January 23, 2017
    Myslim, ze by ceny mohly byt o neco nizsi za to, co zde clovek dostane. Vino nebylo moc dobre a bylo predrazene, ale prostredi je krasne
  • Pavel P.heart icon on user image
    Pavel ProuzaFebruary 9, 2013
    Been here 5+ times
    Famózní novinka na pražské scéně, která díky perfektnímu poměru cena/výkon snese srovnání třeba s Argumentem nebo Kopcem. Doporučuji toskánský tatarák, pražmu a domácí limonády (višňová, ou yes!).
  • Lubor
    LuborFebruary 9, 2013
    Been here 25+ times
    Velké podolské překvapení s úžasným interiérem včetně krbu a after dinner prostoru se sedačkou. Jídlo mimořádné! Toskánský tatarák, pošírované vejce, jogurt s kokosem a horkým medem. Vše na jedničku.
  • Magda T.heart icon on user image
    Magda TeimlováAugust 2, 2018
    Restaurace má příjemné sezenív zahradě. Jídlo je normální; žádný zázrak vzhledem k ceně. Číšník 3-4 (snad pokaždé) zapoměl na naší objednávku, ale stále se omlouval a byl slušný
  • Tomáš H.heart icon on user image
    Tomáš HergethOctober 4, 2015
    Jídlo vypadalo krásně a chutnalo skvěle, rozhodně ale bylo overpriced. Servírka nepříjemná, číšník u vedlejšího stolu zase úplně milionovej, takže je to asi "buď a nebo". Celkově ale nadprůměr.
  • Petr S.
    Petr SvihelAugust 4, 2013
    Dat si pred jidlem jako chutkovku jedno tapas? Nemozne a to i pres to, ze maji jedno tapas nacenene. Muzete si vzit ale set tri tapas, ktery je drazsi nez tri tapas objednane jednotlive. Logika!
  • Yarushkaheart icon on user image
    YarushkaOctober 6, 2012
    Nova restauracia, krasna zahradka. Zaujimavy interaktivny jedalny listok, ktory je len vas a mozete si v nom oznacovat, co ste uz vyskusali a ake to bolo. Like!
  • Klarka V.heart icon on user image
    Klarka VAugust 15, 2016
    Skvělá rybízová limonáda, zajímavá a velmi dobrá jídla. Příjemné posezení venku, číšník se rád ptal, jestli jídlo chutnalo - ano, chutnalo.
  • Petr
    PetrJanuary 20, 2013
    Been here 5+ times
    Vyborna kuchyne. Predkrm posirovane vejce vyborny. Konfitovany bucek famozni.. Jako desert doporucuju domaci jogurt s kokosem a medem - strasne dobre, lehke, vyborne!
  • Michal V.heart icon on user image
    Michal VrchotaMay 14, 2015
    Prijemne prostredi a gastronomicky zazitek. Obsluha si vas pri vstupu vsimne hned. Pri placeni je to horsi. Zapalovani svicek a novi hoste maji prednost.
  • Libor
    LiborMarch 4, 2017
    Nejhorší obsluha za poslední roky, čekání na jídlo 2hodiny,nevšímání hostů.Nulová kompenzace i omluva.Nechci hledat důvody,proč tomu tak bylo.Nehoráznost.
  • Jacopo O.heart icon on user image
    Jacopo OrlandoFebruary 14, 2015
    Ambiente e secondi piatti
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