A nice place to rest and treat yourself. Far away from civilisation, nice staff, the restaurant is worth more than a visit, is Svata Katerina if you have a dream, a need, it becomes true.
Place to relax, listen to silence, enjoy outside jacuzzi and try delicious meal! I spent 2 days here and all meals were very tasty. Chef will prepare pancakes for breakfast in front of you! Try it!
Sure, the wellness & spa part is ok, but the food leaves a lot to be desired - for these prices, the plates should be warm, the meat should be tender and the service should be a bit more professional.
Nice chillresort placed in the middle of wood,great massage, average staff but the kitchen is not the best, cold meal,nondrink coffee,poor vegetables... for chill-yes, for food-no
Lovely place in the middle of nature, the wellness and services are superb. Except for food. For such prices it was mediocre at best. Except for the steaks all meals we had were completely tasteless.
I was slightly disappointed what this hotel do not accept kids younger than 8 years but accept pets. Very strange discrimination. As result my family and our friends used to cancel reservation
Me oblíbené misto, kdyz si chci užít víkend. Maximalni relax, skvěla kuchyne, cvičeni jógy, jízda na koních, masáže, wellnes, fitness, atd. uprostred lesu!
Zdravá, ale ne vždy chutná jídla. Rozhodně nedoporučuji salát z červené řepy s křenem nebo sýrové prkénko. Naopak dobrý byl pstruh, palačinka s jablky a čokoládový fondán. Noky se špenátem průměr.
Žádná auta, ticho a klid, jenom šumění stromů vlnících se ve větru. Zapomeňte na všední starosti, odpočiňte si! Zdravé jídlo, čistý vzduch a hodně pohybu vám ubere na váze, zvýší energii a přidá radost do života.