Local businesses in Racine & Kenosha need all our help! RelyLocal isn't just about local coupons or finding local jobs, it's a campaign to help our economy....
"Help our local economy....Stop by and purchase your RelyLocal Rewards Card at the Coffee Pot, great for stocking stuffing or Secret Santa gifts.....see more at www.RelyLocalKR.com"
"Remember to ride the FREE RelyLocal Small Business Holiday Shopping Shuttle Nov 30th - Dec 21st Connecting Downtown and Uptown 10 am - 4 pm, https://www.facebook.com/events/608294345874518/"
"Remember to ride the FREE RelyLocal Small Business Holiday Shopping Shuttle Nov 30th - Dec 21st Connecting Downtown and West Racine 10 am - 4 pm, https://www.facebook.com/events/608294345874518/"