Raphael Lambertucci

Raphael Lambertucci

Belo Horizonte, MG
  • 1 Tips
  • 46 Following
  • 3 Lists

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Raphael's Top Cities
1 List Created
1 Tip
Raphael Lambertucci
1 places updated July 21, 2018
1 place including Kiko's Lanche
Raphael Lambertucci
8 places updated
8 places including Pacífico Bar café, Pellegrino, Museu Histórico Abílio Barreto, Goccia di Latte
Raphael Lambertucci
34 places updated
34 places including Supermercados BH, Brooks Hamburgueria, Azumy Sushi Bar, Escola Estadual Amelia Josefina Keesen
Raphael's ListsLists Raphael CreatedLists Raphael Followed
"Massas caseiras, local aconchegante, ótimo para casais e família. Atendimento excelente e boa carta de vinhos. Preço justo."
Raphael LambertucciRaphael Lambertucci · December 31, 2015
· Contagem, Brasil