QvHndKiDDers pang pontar
Sam Ratulangi International Airport (MDC) is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

1. Sam Ratulangi International Airport (MDC)

(Bandar Udara Internasional Sam Ratulangi)
Lapangan Mapanget (Jl. A.A. Maramis), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
International Airport · 457 tips and reviews
hypermart is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

2. hypermart

Mega Trade Centre LG (Jalan Piere Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Supermarket · 25 tips and reviews
Pizza Hut is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

3. Pizza Hut

Mega Mall Manado Lt. GF (Jl. Abdurachman Wahid), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Pizzeria · 91 tips and reviews
Borobudur Swalayan is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

4. Borobudur Swalayan

Paal 2 (Jl. Martadinata), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Grocery Store · 32 tips and reviews
Bakso Tenes Pasuruan is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

5. Bakso Tenes Pasuruan

Kawasan Cafe Pantai Mega Mas, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Food Truck · 23 tips and reviews
RM Angel Fish is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

6. RM Angel Fish

Kawasan Boulevard on Business (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 35 tips and reviews
KFC is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

7. KFC

Mega Mall GF No. 15 (Jl. EA Mangindaan), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Fast Food Restaurant · 80 tips and reviews
Soto Rusuk Ba Ko' Petrus is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

8. Soto Rusuk Ba Ko' Petrus

Food Republic Manado Town Square (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Soup Spot · 1 tip
King Cooker Restaurant is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

9. King Cooker Restaurant

Manado Town Square (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 56 tips and reviews
KFC is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

10. KFC

Bahu Mall (Jl. RW Monginsidi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Fast Food Restaurant · 63 tips and reviews
KFC is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

11. KFC

Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 73 (Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 73), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Fast Food Restaurant · 22 tips and reviews
EXCELSO is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.


Food Junction Mega Mall GF (Jl. Abdurachman Wahid), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Coffee Shop · 72 tips and reviews
Coffee Toffee is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

13. Coffee Toffee

Sario (Jl. Ahmad Yani), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Coffee Shop · 12 tips and reviews
City Extra Restaurant is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

14. City Extra Restaurant

Jl. Trans Sulawesi (Kalasey), Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 49 tips and reviews
Wahaha Seafood & Chinese Food is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

15. Wahaha Seafood & Chinese Food

Kawasan Foodcity Mega Mas (Jl. Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 81 tips and reviews
RM Samrat Abadi is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

16. RM Samrat Abadi

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 150 (Seberang Fiesta), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 48 tips and reviews
RM Minang Putra is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

17. RM Minang Putra

Jl. Sarapung No. 7 (Depan BRI), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Padangnese Restaurant · 31 tips and reviews
Ria Rio Restaurant is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

18. Ria Rio Restaurant

Jl. Trans Sulawesi (Kalasey), Kabupaten Minahasa, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 12 tips and reviews
Solaria is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

19. Solaria

Manado Town Square (Jl. Piere Tendean Boulevard), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Chinese Restaurant · 115 tips and reviews

20. Tom's Yamaha Music School

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 159, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Music School · 9 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: the most complete musical instrument shop in Manado. for people interested to playing a musical instrument, you cain join to practice in this place

Mega Trade Centre (MTC) is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

21. Mega Trade Centre (MTC)

Kawasan Mega Mas (Jl. Piere Tendean Blvd.), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Shopping Mall · 72 tips and reviews

22. Gereja Katolik Hati Tersuci Maria Katedral Manado

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 55A, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Church · 35 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: as the area with the majority of Christians, the churches are very much in Manado. This church is a place for Chatolicsm worship

23. Cafe Ma-Shoso

Kawasan Cafe Pantai Mega Mas (Jl. Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Manadonese Restaurant · 34 tips and reviews

Stevy N.Stevy Najoan: provide special food from Minahasa's. Porridge and crispy pork are recommended.

Ha Ha Billiard And Bar is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

24. Ha Ha Billiard And Bar

Mega Mall Lt. R2 (Jl. Abdurachman Wahid), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Pool Hall · 29 tips and reviews

25. Mega Mall

Kawasan Mega Mas (Jl. Abdurachman Wahid), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Shopping Mall · 205 tips and reviews

Aleenks M.Aleenks Mokoagow: Food, Fashion, Fun, Party, all in 1,,! You just find it in mega mall,,! ☺

26. Gramedia

Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 45 (Wenang), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Bookstore · 98 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: bookstore is the most complete bookstore in Manado. Here are textbooks, reading books, magazines, comics, newspapers, stationery, musical instruments etc.

27. Kawan Baru - SAVE THE CITY

Ruko Megamas Blok B2 No 11-12 (Jl. AJ Sondakh), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Indonesian Restaurant · 64 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: restorant that providing manado dishes. many artists and actors came to eat in this place

28. Kawasan Wisata Kuliner Tinutuan Wakeke

Jl. Wakeke (Wenang), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · 66 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: U can get many restaurants with delicious Tinutuan (North Sulawesi Traditional Food). Feel the sensation of Tinutuan at the breakfast.

29. Inul Vizta Family KTV

Kawasan Megamas, Blok 1- A2, Unit Ruko No. 50-52 (Jl. A.J. Sondakh), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Karaoke Bar · 55 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: Inul Vizta now can produce the best music, the sound "stereo" and "mono" like karaoke anywhere else, and you can enjoy our new songs. With a total collection of songs more then 80 000

30. Bike4megamas

Kawasan Foodcity Mega Mas (Jl. Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Bike Rental · 13 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: rent a bike and surrounded mega mas area in Manado city. car free day is the best time for cycling

31. Wahaha Seafood & Chinese Food

Kawasan Foodcity Mega Mas (Jl. Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 81 tips and reviews

Meidy N.Meidy Neghe: If you want the pre-order before ur arrival..just contact +624318880745...and don't forget to check our speciality "Goropa salad" , "Goropa woku", "Kepiting Lada Hitam"..etc! And "Es Kelapa Muda" :D

32. itCenter

Kawasan Boulevard on Business (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Shopping Mall · 161 tips and reviews

amanda l.amanda londok: u can find all electronic stuff..also u can find clothes..☺☺☺

33. Hotel Aryaduta

Kawasan Boulevard on Business (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Hotel · 57 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: this hotel is located beside the sea and mal in manado. Provides an experience for visitors to be treated with beautiful scenery and outstanding service. #fourstarhotel

34. McDonald's & McCafé

Kawasan Foodcity Megamas (Jalan Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Fast Food Restaurant · 172 tips and reviews

Anastasia M.Anastasia Margaret: Perfect place for hangout! Open 24 hours & free i-net. Cheese burger and McFlurry is very recomended! For delivery order, just call 14045! McD I'm lovin it! ♡

35. d'Terrace

Kawasan Mega Mas (Jl. Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Café · 130 tips and reviews

Anastasia M.Anastasia Margaret: MyTop5 : Ayam bakar rica, Iga bakar, Sate seafood, Bubur Manado, Puding Coklat ☺

Area Parkir Manado Town Square is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

36. Area Parkir Manado Town Square

Jl. Pierre Tendean, Boulevard, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Parking · 7 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: Manado Town Square Parking Area, the best place to leave our vehicles when we are going to shopping in the mal

hypermart is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

37. hypermart

Manado Town Square (Jalan Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Supermarket · 57 tips and reviews

38. Holland Bakery

Kawasan Boulevard on Business (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd No. 89), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Bakery · 24 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: is the biggest and well known Bakery, Pastry & Cake Company in Manado

39. J.Co Donuts & Coffee

Manado Town Square (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Donut Shop · 100 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: J.CO Donuts is a restaurant and franchise specializing in donuts, frozen yogurt and coffee. Placed in Manado Town Square

40. Mantos 1 XXI

Manado Town Square (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Movie Theater · 167 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: The Official Indonesia Cinema 21 Movies Site featuring complete showtimes of all theaters in Indonesia.

41. Manado Town Square (MANTOS)

Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd (Kawasan Boulevard on Business), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Shopping Mall · 481 tips and reviews

Marianne W.Marianne Walukow: looking for place to eat, to buy clothes, shoes, accessories,glasses, perfume, handphone, medicine,to watch movie in theater, clubbing, or just looking around in Manado?? Mantos is the right place

Masjid Raya Ahmad Yani is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

42. Masjid Raya Ahmad Yani

Jalan WR. Supratman, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Mosque · 9 tips and reviews
Cloud9 is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

43. Cloud9

Manado Town Square (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Night Club · 47 tips and reviews
GMIM Kristus Manado is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

44. GMIM Kristus Manado

Central Business Distrcit (Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 18), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Church · 29 tips and reviews

45. Zero Point of Manado

Jl. Sam Ratulangi (at Jl. Jend. Sudirman), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Monument · 44 tips and reviews

Arthur C.Arthur Carl: At dawn the city couldn't merely sleep! Smilling people lusting for a warm sunlight to keep the city in its grace.

Tikala Shiatsu is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

46. Tikala Shiatsu

Jl. BW Lapian V No. 9 (Tikala), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Spa · 4 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: as company of pioner of service of massage and spa in Manado and its surroundings represent one of especial supporter place in tourism of Manado city

47. Kantor Gubernur Sulawesi Utara

Jalan 17 Agustus, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Government Building · 32 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: central government of the province of North Sulawesi. here there are also mapalus halls

Sintesa Peninsula Hotel is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

48. Sintesa Peninsula Hotel

Gunung Wenang (Jl. Jend. Sudirman), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Hotel · 96 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: the five star luxury and unsurpassed facilities of the Sintesa Peninsula Hotel features 150 spacious and modern superior rooms, studios, corner suites, deluxe suites, etc

49. Kantor Walikota Manado

Jalan Balai Kota No. 1 (Tikala), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
City Hall · 19 tips and reviews

virginia l.virginia lantu: working here for the welfare of the community life of the city of Manado. leaders who are free from corruption, collusion and nepotism.

SMA Kristen Eben Haezar is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

50. SMA Kristen Eben Haezar

Jl.14 Februari (Teling Atas), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
High School · 26 tips and reviews
Taman Kesatuan Bangsa is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

51. Taman Kesatuan Bangsa

Jl. Dotu Lolong Lasut (Wenang), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Park · 15 tips and reviews

52. Swiss-Belhotel Maleosan Manado

Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 85-87, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Hotel · 65 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: Surrounded by breathtaking beauty, we are the most luxurious four-star hotel in Manado, North Sulawesi. Treat yourself to a panoramic view of the sea with lush green mountains serving as the backdrop

53. D'Grille Burger

Sario (Jl. Ahmad Yani), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Burger Joint · 34 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: places that provide fast food. This place is open 24 hours and is often used as a place to watch football matches

54. Hardcore Gym

Jalan Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 37 (Sario Tumpaan), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Gym · 14 tips and reviews

lithakeylithakey: I want to 'make-up' my body..

55. Pelabuhan Laut Manado

Wenang Utara (Jl. Rumambi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Harbor or Marina · 32 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: This port serves shipping between the islands of Manado. In general, the ships at the port of Manado is leaning against the ship with the destination of Sangir Islands and Talaud Islands.

56. Klenteng Ban Hing Kiong

Chinese Town (Jl. DI Panjaitan), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Temple · 10 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: Temple Ban Hing Kiong who initially narrow and widen a meaningful God Almighty always helped His people by providing a way out when his affliction.

Gedung Keuangan Negara is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

57. Gedung Keuangan Negara

Jl. Bethesda No. 8 (Jl.Bethesda 8), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Government Building · 18 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: place of taxation in North Sulawesi.

Pasar Bersehati is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

58. Pasar Bersehati

Jl. Nusantara (Calaca), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Market · 12 tips and reviews

59. Wisata Bahari

Kawasan Bahu Mall (Jl. RW Monginsidi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 39 tips and reviews

Stevy N.Stevy Najoan: enjoy the moments with family or close friends and try the delicious seafood here. also enjoy the scenery with the beautiful sunset

Coco Supermarket & Department Store is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

60. Coco Supermarket & Department Store

Jalan Sam Ratulangi (Ranotana), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Grocery Store · 19 tips and reviews

61. Stadion Klabat

Jalan Stadion Klabat (Ranotana), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Soccer Stadium · 15 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: Klabat Stadium is a multi-use stadium in Manado, Indonesia. It is currently used mostly for football matches and is used as the home venue for Manado United.

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

62. Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Jl. Kampus Barat, Bahu), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
College Academic Building · 63 tips and reviews

63. Oikano Cafe & Sports

Kawasan Bahu Mall (Jl. RW Monginsidi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Sports Bar · 17 tips and reviews

'THAZYA' Anastasia Rizki'THAZYA' Anastasia Rizki: Banana Boat...recommended!!!

64. Fakultas Kedokteran UNSRAT

Universitas Sam Ratulangi (Jalan Kampus Kleak), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Medical School · 23 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: where medical students learn to become a doctor. divided into 3 sections namely general medicine, dentistry and nursing

RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

65. RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou

Jalan R.W. Monginsidi (Malalayang), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Hospital · 122 tips and reviews

66. CitraLand WaterPark Manado

CitraLand Manado (Jl. Main Royal Mansion), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Water Park · 23 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: features water play areas, such as water slides, splash pads, spraygrounds (water playgrounds), lazy rivers, or other recreational bathing, swimming, and barefooting environments.

Monumen Yesus Memberkati is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

67. Monumen Yesus Memberkati

Citraland (Jalan Ringroad), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Monument · 27 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: This monument is the latest iconic city of Manado and is a monument of Jesus Christ is the highest in Asia and second in the world

69. UNIKA De La Salle Manado

Jl. Arie Lasut (Kairagi Satu Kombos), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
University · 41 tips and reviews

Juneitly S.Juneitly Simboh: Religio Mores Cultura

Tugu Bobocha is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

70. Tugu Bobocha

Jalan R.W. Monginsidi (Malalayang), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Monument · 10 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: boboca monument is the boundary between the cities of Manado and Minahasa. boboca around the monument there are many seafood restaurants

71. Novotel Manado Golf Resort & Convention Center

Grand Kawanua International City (Jl. AA Maramis), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Hotel · 89 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: ideal for conferences, business and leisure . With 176 rooms and apartments, the hotel offers golf course, a pool overlooking the mountains, three restaurants, two bars and a day spa

Grand Luley Resort & Dive is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

72. Grand Luley Resort & Dive

Jalan Molas - Tongkaina (Bunaken), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Resort · 30 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: offers a wide range of accommodation options from deluxe rooms to cottages and suites, all overlooking the sea. This beautiful four-star hotel is situated on the mainland facing Bunaken Island

73. Lokon Boutique Resort

Jalan BS Tangkawarouw (Kakaskasen Satu), Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara
Resort · 14 tips and reviews

Natalie W.Natalie Weydemuller: nice place & view ! higly recomended .. luv d'weather in the mornin

Bukit Doa Tomohon is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

74. Bukit Doa Tomohon

Jalan Salib Suci Mahawu (Jalan Lingkar Timur, Kakaskasen Dua), Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara
Park · 16 tips and reviews

Stevy N.Stevy Najoan: is located in the Mt. Mahawu. feel the cool air and beautiful parks. there are outbond arenas and Alamanda cottages here

Vihara Buddhayana is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

75. Vihara Buddhayana

Kakaskasen Tiga (Jl. Sunge), Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara
Temple · 1 tip
Auditorium Bukit Inspirasi (ABI) is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

76. Auditorium Bukit Inspirasi (ABI)

Jl. Raya Tomohon (Kakaskasen), Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara
Auditorium · 5 tips and reviews

77. Pulau Siladen

Bunaken National Marine Park, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Island · 9 tips and reviews

ManadoManado: White sand island, find the Onong Resort so you can study about diving and snorkeling. Tired?just take a rest in Onong Resort with 7 cottages full A/C & en-suite bathrooms (with hot water) and others

78. Bunaken National Maritime Park

Bunaken Island (Manado Bay), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Other Great Outdoors · 91 tips and reviews

Daniel P.Daniel Pontoh: this beautiful sea park has the diversity of rare aquatic organism species like dolphin, giant clam, hawksbill turtle,etc. So many tourists attracted to diving with scuba diving and snorkeling here

Danau Linow is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

79. Danau Linow

Lahendong (Jl. Linow), Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara
Lake · 39 tips and reviews

Stevy N.Stevy Najoan: Lake color has change of light and depicts a view. The light shadow is blue, green, turquoise, etc. The colors in highly sulphurous lake constantly change depending on the light

80. Pulau Manado Tua

Bunaken National Marine Park, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Island · 14 tips and reviews

Ansye M.Ansye Mengko: oh, my... it was the beautiful island in the world. i cant wait for diving at the beautiful spot. bunaken sea park..

Grand Central Supermarket & Department Store is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

81. Grand Central Supermarket & Department Store

Paslaten Dua (Jalan Raya Tomohon), Tomohon, Sulawesi Utara
Department Store · 36 tips and reviews
Polres Minahasa Selatan is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

82. Polres Minahasa Selatan

Jl. Trans Sulawesi (Pondang), Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara
Police Station · 1 tip
Taman Kota (teguh bersinar) is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

83. Taman Kota (teguh bersinar)

Pusat Kota Amurang, Amurang, Sulawesi Utara
Park · 2 tips and reviews
Pantai moinit is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

84. Pantai moinit

Tawaang (Tenga), Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara
Beach · 3 tips and reviews
Puncak Manado Restaurant is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

85. Puncak Manado Restaurant

Jl. 17 Agustus, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Seafood Restaurant · 8 tips and reviews
Terminal Malalayang is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

86. Terminal Malalayang

Jl. Wolter Monginsidi (Malalayang), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Bus Station · 14 tips and reviews
MUG Coffee & Net is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

87. MUG Coffee & Net

Jl. Sam Ratulangi, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Coffee Shop · 4 tips and reviews
SPBU Pertamina is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

88. SPBU Pertamina

Jl. Lumimuut No. 7 (Tikala), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Fuel Station · 16 tips and reviews

89. Kantin Ceria Polda Sulut

Jalan Bethesda (Jln Bethesda No.62), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Cafeteria · 1 tip
ruang cctv & vcon polda sulut is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

90. ruang cctv & vcon polda sulut

Jalan Bethesda, Manado, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Conference Room · No tips or reviews
Mie Ba' Garuda Om Ferry is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

91. Mie Ba' Garuda Om Ferry

Jl. Garuda, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Noodle Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Corner Club is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

92. Corner Club

Bahu Mall, Blok SE (Jl. R.W. Monginsidi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Night Club · 30 tips and reviews
RM Mutiara Bakso & Mie is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

93. RM Mutiara Bakso & Mie

Ruko Winangun, No. 1 (Jl. Sam Ratulangi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Indonesian Meatball Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews
Mr. Pancake is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

94. Mr. Pancake

Manado Town Square II (Jalan Piere Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Dessert Shop · 12 tips and reviews
Rumah Es Jembatan Miangas is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

95. Rumah Es Jembatan Miangas

Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Dessert Shop · 24 tips and reviews

96. The Club

Kawasan Foodcity Mega Mas (Jl. Laksda John Lie), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Café · 80 tips and reviews

elisabeth p.elisabeth pakasi: The Club... New Cafe di blakang mega mas, tempatnya keren, buat rekan2 yg hobby ngeWine silakan mampir

Soccer Cafe & Resto is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

97. Soccer Cafe & Resto

Kawasan Boulevard on Business (Jl. Pierre Tendean Blvd), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Sports Bar · 7 tips and reviews
Polda Sulawesi Utara is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

98. Polda Sulawesi Utara

Jl. Bethesda No. 62, Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Police Station · 20 tips and reviews
Pineleng Satu is one of QvHndKiDDers pang pontar.

99. Pineleng Satu

Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Neighborhood · 21 tips and reviews

100. Bapontar Adventure office

Jln. Samratulangi no. 342 kec. Wenang (Sam Ratulangi), Manado, Sulawesi Utara
Tourist Information and Service · No tips or reviews