Lots of excellent Australian art, from classic landscapes to more modern works. Don't miss the 1880 panorama painting by JA Clark of Brisbane - see how much the city has changed since then!
I have always been wanting to see the works of Kusama Yayoi and I feel so blessed to witness the infinity room here at Queensland Art Gallery by accident. #yayoikusama
This is the state's art collection, and there are some beauties here. I really like the water-court which also plays host to various exhibitions. It's cool and relaxing.
If you like modern Art, this is a good gallery with the obvious favouritism towards Australian and Asian artists. It left me feeling depressed thought.
The 21st of July 2012 the Prado will be presenting the exhibition "Portrait of Spain. Masterpieces from the Prado". This will be the first exhibition to be held by the Prado in Australia
Don't bring a backpack or large bag, otherwise you'll need to surrender it until you leave. And photos are OK in free exhibition areas, as long as there's NO FLASH used.