At 47 acres, this is the largest remaining tract of farmland within NYC. Find historic farm buildings, greenhouses, an orchard and herb garden, farm machinery, and goats, pigs and other animals.
check out the queens countyfair held here in september. on site parking, midway with rides, ponies, petting zoo, medieval and farm games, live music, art show, pig races, corn maze, and more
Tulip season is upon us, and it’s just a subway ride away in Queens. Stroll through these babies on your own, or take a tour with a farmer on the first Saturday of the month at 2 p.m. Read more
Pick-your-own-Pumpkin : October is pumpkin month at the FarmMuseum! Enjoy wandering through the planting field to find your favorite pumpkin. Price of pumpkins will be determined by size of pumpkin
In the late 1920’s the farm was sold to a local hospital that used it to provide occupational therapy for patients and to grow food for the hospital's meals.
Take advantage of the free admission and tour the farm, feed the animals and observe the greenhouses all at no cost with your family this fall. Read more about this urban oasis on MetroFocus. Read more
1 of New York's true hidden gems 4 families. Great time when they have big events like Carnivals, Apple Fesitval, + Corn Maze, but we also love to come on random weekdays & just feed animals.
The Amazing Maize Maze : Enjoy getting lost in our 3 acre interactive corn maze. The adventure begins with a stalk talk to prepare you for the challenge of finding clues, solving puzzles and making y
On October 9 and 16, you can take a stab at navigating the three-acre corn maze after-dark during Maze by Moonlight. Flashlights (and perhaps cell phones) are suggested.
So we drove all the way to queens farm to buy fresh eggs. Not only did they not have the eggs they wanted to charge us $40 to pet a goat. Never coming back ever again.
The Queens County Farm Museum is a 47-acre working farm dating back to 1697. The site includes a landmark farmhouse, glass greenhouse, restored barns, planting fields, and livestock which provide us a glimpse into our agrarian past.