You’ll have to cross the bridge for this one, but it’s worth it. Skip the tourist lookout and go up to the headlands. You’ll get a better (and less crowded) view and Instagram-worthy panoramas. Read more.
This quiet hill in Bernal Heights is great for a sunset stroll. Plus, it’s child- and pet-friendly. Take the trail all the way to the top for a special bonus: a tree swing for taking it all in. Read more.
Locals come here for coastal views high above sea level. Meander through the Sutro Baths, wander off to the nearby Legion of Honor or hike one of the many trails out to a great stone labyrinth. Read more.
You’ll get 360-degree views of the city that can’t be beat. Just be sure to pick a clear day (the fog can completely obscure the view) and bundle up because it sure is windy up here. Read more.
Perch yourself at the southwest corner of everybody’s favorite park for an incomparable view of palm trees set against the city skyline. It’s especially stunning on the occasional clear, balmy night. Read more.
When the forecast predicts an 80-degree day in San Francisco, this is where everyone in the entire city flocks. But you don’t need warm weather to enjoy this view of the Golden Gate Bridge. Read more.
We’ve told you a million times now, but we still can’t help singing the praises of the Painted Ladies (aka the Full House houses). Read more.
The awesome rope swing has been removed, but the views from this secret Noe Valley spot remain. Go at dusk when you’re in need of some quiet contemplation. Read more.