Naoshima / Teshima / etc
Minamidera - Art House Project is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

1. Minamidera - Art House Project

(家プロジェクト 南寺)
直島町, 直島町, 香川県
Art Gallery · 30 tips and reviews
Chichu Art Museum is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

2. Chichu Art Museum

3449-1, 直島町, 香川県
Art Museum · 76 tips and reviews
Teshima Art Museum is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

3. Teshima Art Museum

豊島唐櫃607, 土庄町, 香川県
Art Museum · 42 tips and reviews
Shima Kitchen is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

4. Shima Kitchen

豊島唐櫃1061, 土庄町, 香川県
Japanese Restaurant · 唐櫃岡 · 12 tips and reviews
Benesse House Museum is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

5. Benesse House Museum

琴弾地, 直島町, 香川県
Art Museum · 34 tips and reviews
Yellow Pumpkin is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

6. Yellow Pumpkin

(南瓜 (黄色いかぼちゃ))
京ノ山3419 (ベネッセアートサイト直島), 直島町, 香川県
Outdoor Sculpture · 23 tips and reviews
Nakaoku is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

7. Nakaoku

(カフェサロン 中奥)
本村中奥1167, 直島町, 香川県
Café · 20 tips and reviews
Benesse House Hotel is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

8. Benesse House Hotel

直島町3418, 香川郡, 香川県
Hotel · 7 tips and reviews
Ishibashi - Art House Project is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

9. Ishibashi - Art House Project

(家プロジェクト 石橋)
直島町, 香川県
Art Gallery · 5 tips and reviews
Chichu Café is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

10. Chichu Café

直島町3449-1 (地中美術館), 香川郡, 香川県
Café · 14 tips and reviews
ANDO MUSEUM is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.


736-2, 直島町, 香川県
Art Museum · 12 tips and reviews
Benesse House Park is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

12. Benesse House Park

(ベネッセハウス パーク)
琴弾地 ベネッセハウス, 直島町, 香川県
Resort · 13 tips and reviews
Miyanoura Gallery 6 is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

13. Miyanoura Gallery 6

2310-77, 香川県
Art Gallery · 2 tips and reviews
Miyanoura Port is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

14. Miyanoura Port

2249-40, 直島町, 香川県
Port · 香川郡 · 16 tips and reviews
Red Pumpkin is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

15. Red Pumpkin

宮浦港, 直島町, 香川県
Public Art · 12 tips and reviews
Honmura Port is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

16. Honmura Port

本村港, 直島町, 香川県
Port · 2 tips and reviews
Honmura Lounge & Archive is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

17. Honmura Lounge & Archive

直島町850-2, 香川郡, 香川県
Tourist Information and Service · 7 tips and reviews
山本うどん店 is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

18. 山本うどん店

鷲ノ松2526-1, 香川県
Udon Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews
Naoshima Bath "I love Yu" is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

19. Naoshima Bath "I love Yu"

(直島銭湯 I♥湯)
2252-2, 直島町, 香川県
Bath House · 28 tips and reviews
Naoshima Pavilion is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

20. Naoshima Pavilion

直島町, 直島町, 香川県
Outdoor Sculpture · 直島 · 4 tips and reviews
Lee Ufan Museum is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

21. Lee Ufan Museum

字倉浦1390, 直島町, 香川県
Art Museum · 23 tips and reviews
Haisha - Art House Project is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

22. Haisha - Art House Project

(家プロジェクト はいしゃ)
984, 直島町, 香川県
Exhibit · 本村地区 · 7 tips and reviews
Angel Road is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

23. Angel Road

(天使の散歩道 エンジェルロード)
甲24-67, 土庄町, 香川県
Hiking Trail · 12 tips and reviews
Ogijima's Soul is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

24. Ogijima's Soul

男木町 1986, 高松市, 香川県
Tourist Information and Service · 4 tips and reviews
今治市伊東豊雄建築ミュージアム is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

25. 今治市伊東豊雄建築ミュージアム

大三島町浦戸2418, 今治市, 愛媛県
Art Museum · 1 tip
Inujima Seirensho Art Museum is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

26. Inujima Seirensho Art Museum

東区犬島327-5, 岡山市, 岡山県
Art Museum · 5 tips and reviews
Inujima Art House Project I-Art House is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

27. Inujima Art House Project I-Art House

東区犬島, 岡山市, 岡山県
Exhibit · 1 tip
ところミュージアム大三島 is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

28. ところミュージアム大三島

大三島町浦戸2362-3, 今治市, 愛媛県
Art Gallery · 5 tips and reviews
Awaji Yumebutai is one of Naoshima / Teshima / etc.

29. Awaji Yumebutai

夢舞台2, 淡路市, 兵庫県
Park · 8 tips and reviews