This is basically eating Sushi in a bowl, with a little hifty pricing (around 3 sushi plate worth)But to me as a sushi lover, the sauces & food freshness is very high quality, expensive but worth it
It’s so yummy 😋 all this delicious choices makes u confuse what to put 😅 but don’t forget the add crispyonions on top 😋🌴 if u are really confused try (Jaddawi)👍🏼👍🏼
My new addiction😍😍SUPER GOOD. Flamin pokerito💯. And for a bowl, order: white rice, shrimp, cucumber, corn, crab, edamame, white sesame, spicy Mayo and sesameshoyu, trust me on this👌🏻
A favorite all the way from Hawaii! It’s a franchise so they’re located globally which means every city has its own Poké bowl creation - try their Hejazi bowl!
Finalllly got the chance to try this. I’d recommend it if u’re a seafood lover. Falmin pokerito and Jeddawi bowl with extra seafood 8/10. I liked it but it’s not the best I had. considered expensive.
Don’t forget to add fried onion, it’ll change your bowl to better! - Tip: it’s not as healthy as you may think! watch the calories of the sauces especially :)
I think one of the Asian service I forgot his name. Need to reduce his temper and cool down with visitors. The rest good quality a bit over price. Will think twice before I visit this location again
We wait patiently for the staff to finish preparing the previous bowl with mouthwatering only for someone come in last minute skip the line I'm furious this is the second time this happens