Today.. Saturday July 25th this beloved mall is so quiet ;) I Love it! If you're heading up here park your vehicles on basementparking area, it's cozy for them, in and away from the sun ;)
This's a convenient mall to the people that lives around the area. McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Hoka Hoka Bento, Bread Talk is available. Giant, Sentra & 21 cineplex also ATMs can be found here.
Mall ini cukup lengkap, apalg setelah renovasi, ada XXI, kuliner jg lengkap, bagi yg hoby salon ada bbrp pilihan yg sesuai dg kantong anda.klo bosan tinggal ke tetangga sebelah (baca: kalibata city).
Butuh info & pemesanan all type Toyota Hub Abong Togatorop Auto2000 Tebet Supomo HP 081380053428 Esia 02192826720. - Cash/Credit - Bisa Tukar Tambah - Profesional - Data Dibantu - Proses Cepat - Astra
Semua yang sering saya butuhkan selalu ada di plaza kalibata ini, tetapi sayang parkiran disini tidak aman HELM BARU saya hilang KYT seharga Rp 420.000 mungkin bagi org lain gk seberapa,,,