This gym is awesome. None of the lugheads and all of the equipment!! It's the cleanest and best-maintained gym in Rockville...and I've tried them all. Cheap as all heck and always open!
They need more free weights. It's OK if you want to get into shape but if you're serious about building muscle this isn't the gym for you. That said, it's only $10 a month so...
Joined online thinking they would have normal gym equipment. I should have known with the low prices. All they have are circuit weights and dumbbells up to 60 pounds. What a joke!
Planet Fitness
5520 Randolph Road Rockville, MD20852 United States
We're Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone. We're known for our low prices, friendly staff, and positive environment. Our philosophy is that in our clubs, you should be free to get in shape, have fun, or just kick back and relax in one of our massage chairs, it's entirely up to you.