The smell is unbearable. Like something died in the walls. Huge space with a lot of basic equipment. If you are on an extremely right budget and can bare the smell, try it out.
Best time to go is around 9pm or later! It's so empty and clean. You can't beat the price of $10/month for a gym membership in fidi :) my favorite place to be!
I love this Planet Fitness location. Im there late nights around 9:30 PM, and it's always neat, and very clean. My favorite place to work-out and release some energy.
We're Planet Fitness - The Judgement Free Zone. We're known for our low prices, friendly staff, and positive environment. Our philosophy is that in our clubs, you should be free to get in shape, have fun, or just kick back and relax in one of our massage chairs, it's entirely up to you.