20 favorite restaurants
Guaiamum Gigante is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Guaiamum Gigante

R. Dr. José de Góes, 299, Recife, PE
Seafood Restaurant · 261 tips and reviews
Empório Marítimo is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Empório Marítimo

Av. Beira Rio, 887 (esq. R. Melquisedeque de Lima), Recife, PE
Seafood Restaurant · 40 tips and reviews
Bar do Luna is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Bar do Luna

Av. Saldanha Marinho, Recife, PE
Brazilian Restaurant · Ipsep · 110 tips and reviews
Churrascaria Bode do Primo is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

4. Churrascaria Bode do Primo

Rua Cap. Aurélio de Araújo, Recife, PE
BBQ Joint · 74 tips and reviews
Zen Comida Japonesa is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

5. Zen Comida Japonesa

R. da Hora, 295 (R. Barão de Itamaracá), Recife, PE
Japanese Restaurant · 607 tips and reviews
Nippon is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

6. Nippon

R. Pe. Anchieta, 291 (R. Águas Belas), Recife, PE
Japanese Restaurant · 169 tips and reviews
Dobradinha do Gordo is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

7. Dobradinha do Gordo

R. José Bonifácio, 884-910, Recife, PE
Brazilian Restaurant · 50 tips and reviews
Caneca Fina is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

8. Caneca Fina

Av. Visc. de Albuquerque, 807, Recife, PE
Restaurant · Madalena · 99 tips and reviews
Entre Amigos Restaurante e Bar is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

9. Entre Amigos Restaurante e Bar

R. da Hora, 695 (R. Venezuela), Recife, PE
Bar · 225 tips and reviews
Famiglia Lucco is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

10. Famiglia Lucco

Est. do Encanamento, 361, Recife, PE
Italian Restaurant · 132 tips and reviews
Churrascaria Sal e Brasa is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

11. Churrascaria Sal e Brasa

Av. Presidente Dutra, 451, Recife, PE
BBQ Joint · Ibura · 478 tips and reviews
Komida Kaseira is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

12. Komida Kaseira

R. Claudino dos Santos, 11, Recife, PE
Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Bar do Cabo is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

13. Bar do Cabo

Av. Dragão do Mar, 3º Quiosque (Brasilia Teimosa), Recife, PE
Seafood Restaurant · 26 tips and reviews
Casa de Banhos is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

14. Casa de Banhos

R. João Marques dos Anjos, Recife, PE
Seafood Restaurant · 98 tips and reviews
Spettus Steak House is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

15. Spettus Steak House

Av. Gov. Agamenon Magalhães, 2132, Recife, PE
Steakhouse · 192 tips and reviews
Portal da Carne de Sol is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

16. Portal da Carne de Sol

R. Pacífico da Luz, 104 (R. Sido Krause), Recife, PE
Brazilian Restaurant · 61 tips and reviews

Pietro M.Pietro Marinho: R Pacífico da Luz, 104 - Cordeiro - Recife, PE. Carne-de-sol, picanha, maminha, bode, frango, pizzas, filé à parmegiana e peixes

Fiteiro is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

17. Fiteiro

R. Afonso Celso, 264, Recife, PE
Bar · 97 tips and reviews
Bar do Neno is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

18. Bar do Neno

R. Padre Roma, 722, Recife, PE
Bar · Parnamirim · 100 tips and reviews
Bar do Lula is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

19. Bar do Lula

R. Padre Roma, 722, Recife, PE
Bar · 8 tips and reviews
Camarada Camarão is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

20. Camarada Camarão

R. da Hora, 855 (R. São Salvador), Recife, PE
Seafood Restaurant · 122 tips and reviews