Definitely get a membership! You don't have to worry about seeing everything during busy days and the sprayground is a huge success with the kids during the summer!
Come check out the komodo dragons, orangutans, lions, tigers and so much more. Get a membership and enjoy discounts around the park and unlimited entry for the year.
This zoo was originally named the "Maytag Zoo" after Robert Maytag, who formed the Arizona Zoological Society. Maytag died a few months before its opening in November 1962.
Beware if you are on a date here..sometimes when you walk in somebody sneaks up and snaps an unexpected picture of you and your date! You can pick it up on your way out of the zoo. Read more
Purchase ticket from smartphone while walking in the pre purchase line past thousands of people. Says to print it but have person key in the number under the barcode. No need to waste toner / paper.
If you're planning more trips to the zoo, check out for a great deal. 2 zoo visits included! Follow @pogopass on twitter for promo codes!
The Phoenix Zoo is one of the largest non-profit zoos in the country and is the only zoo accredited by the Association of Zoos & Aquariums in the Valley.