Gourmet Store · Charlottenburg · 6 tips and reviews
Frau Coco Lores: Love this fine delicatessen supermarket in the Kiez!You can find a huge variety of mediterranean delicacies.Wines and foods, from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, etc. Even pottery for Tapas!Café Bar!
Frau Coco Lores: Big and lovely Biergarten close to the "Thaipark".Nice Lounge Open Air area to chill and relax with an icecold Drink or Cocktail or two... Food is good as well. Go there for Breakfast and/or Brunch😉
Frau Coco Lores: It's the largest inland lido in Europe, with sand from the German shore of the Baltic Sea. The real one and only "Beach" for all Berliners with Strandkorb & Co in summer.
Frau Coco Lores: This charming "Kiez" in the heart of Charlottenburg hasn't lost its beauty. Nice little Cafés, good&affordable restaurants&bars with outside seatings everywhere. As well a small Park to chill&relax.
Fischerhüttenstr. 136 (Elvirasteig), Berlin, Berlin
German Restaurant · Schlachtensee · 51 tips and reviews
Frau Coco Lores: After a walk within an absolutely fantastic nature feeling, you have to swing in to the Biergarten&have a German speciality snack&drink. Try Obatzda, Pretzel, Radler, Bratwurst or a a half Hendl.
Frau Coco Lores: The Berliners call it "langer Lulatsch". There is a restaurant on the top with a breathtaking view over the City West&all the hightower buildings of the capitol of Germany.Cool location for Tourists.
Straße des 17. Juni (Hofjägerallee), Berlin, Berlin
Park · Tiergarten · 236 tips and reviews
Frau Coco Lores: Was den New Yorkern der Central Park, ist uns unserer saftiger Tiergarten. Laufen, biken, chillen, rumliegen, glotzen, mit Picknickkörbchen, Freunden&Famile, abhängen und de Beene baumeln lassen.
Frau Coco Lores: A gorgeous&romantic forest retreat in a busy&hectic city, by the side of a glittering lake, with gliding ducks&drifting rowboats.On the shore under a canopy of leafy trees, the sound of flirting birds
Fehrbelliner Platz 1 (Hohenzollerndamm), Berlin, Berlin
Flea Market · Fehrbelliner Platz · 13 tips and reviews
Frau Coco Lores: Fleamarket in Wilmersdorf. Not that kind of a tourist spot,but many original Berlin residents. Nice, useful and useless odds. Every Sunday, even in winter. Close to Thaipark and Parkcafe.
Kreuzbergstr. 62 (Villa Kreuzberg), Berlin, Berlin
Breakfast Spot · Viktoriakiez · 69 tips and reviews
Frau Coco Lores: One of Berlin's best Breakfast&Brunch places. This is the one of the Tomasa Chain with the best&romantic location in an old Villa with 3Floors in the Kreuzberg Victoria Park. Big in delicious Eatery!
Frau Coco Lores: One of the most beautiful Summer Open Air Stages in Europe. Join Classic-, Rock-, Pop-Concerts or/and even classic movies. It's an event! Everytime! 😍👍
Frau Coco Lores: Tolle und frische Lebensmittel, Obst und Gemüseangebote. Leckere Küche. Vielfältige Naschereien und kulinarische Köstlichkeiten aus aller Herren Länder im Herzen Schönebergs. Mittwoch und Samstags!
Pommersche Str. (Württembergische Str.), Berlin, Berlin
Street Food Gathering · Fehrbelliner Platz · 113 tips and reviews
Frau Coco Lores: Thaifood at its best!Fresh food prepared right before your eyes.Try the Cocktails!Papayasalad/Som Tam Thai is to die for!Go there in summer with a blanket,relax&enjoy Thai-community in Berlin.
Frau Coco Lores: If you're ever in Hong Kong, there's a mysterious little bar called The Feather Boa, tucked-away in Soho.It's tiny. It's candle-lit. And it's always packed every night. Charming!