Århus sightseeing
ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum is one of Århus sightseeing.

1. ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum

Aros Allé 2 (Vester Allé), Aarhus C, Region Midtjylland
Art Museum · Århus Centrum · 72 tips and reviews

LauraLaura: Rainbow panorama is totally unique experience. Other exhibitions always changing but a great way to spend a rainy day in Aarhus. Never been disappointed.

The Old Town is one of Århus sightseeing.

2. The Old Town

(Den Gamle By)
Viborgvej 2, Aarhus C, Region Midtjylland
History Museum · Århus Centrum · 45 tips and reviews

Jens H.Jens Hørup: he Old Town is a 5-star world-class experience, and is under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen. 75 historical houses, gardens, exhibitions, houses, shops, and workshops. Read more.

Aarhus Rådhus is one of Århus sightseeing.

3. Aarhus Rådhus

Rådhuspladsen 2 (Park Allé), Aarhus, Jylland
City Hall · Århus Centrum · 6 tips and reviews

Kell Ø.Kell Ørhøj: Aarhus Rådhus blev indviet den 2. juli 1941. Tegnet af arkitekterne Arne Jacobsen og Erik Møller. Som et af de få danske rådhuse fredet i marts 1994 på grund af bygningens enestående arkitektur.

Aarhus Teater is one of Århus sightseeing.

4. Aarhus Teater

Teatergaden, Århus, Region Midtjylland
Theater · Midtbyen · 5 tips and reviews
Universitetsparken is one of Århus sightseeing.

5. Universitetsparken

Victor Albecks Vej (Langelandsgade), Aarhus C, Region Midtjylland
Park · Aarhus Universitet · 4 tips and reviews

Paula P.Paula Petcu: C.F. Møller and colleagues won in 1931 the architectural tender for the project. To this day, the firm of C.F. Møller oversees construction of new buildings in the University Park.

Kvindemuseet is one of Århus sightseeing.

6. Kvindemuseet

Domkirkepladsen 5, Århus, Region Midtjylland
Museum · Latinerkvarteret · No tips or reviews
Vikingemuseet is one of Århus sightseeing.

7. Vikingemuseet

Sct. Clemens Torv 6, Århus, Region Midtjylland
Museum · Midtbyen · 4 tips and reviews
Kunsthal Aarhus is one of Århus sightseeing.

8. Kunsthal Aarhus

J.M. Mørks Gade 13, Århus, Region Midtjylland
Art Gallery · Midtbyen · 4 tips and reviews