Майдан Незалежності (вул. Хрещатик), Київ, м. Київ
Plaza · Старе місто · 416 tips and reviews
mstrrr: Get something to drink and go sit somewhere to enjoy this beautiful square and the people who come here to relax and meet up other people. You can also sit above the 'wall of glass'. Great view!
вул. Володимирська, 40а (вул. Ярославів Вал), Київ, м. Київ
Historic and Protected Site · Золоті Ворота · 209 tips and reviews
Pasha H: The Golden Gates of Kiev (Ukrainian: Золоті ворота, Zoloti vorota, literally 'golden gates') is a major landmark of the Ancient Kiev and historic gateway in the ancient city fortress.