Friendly safety tips for Malaysian and international tourist. Make sure you guard all your document, money and properly. Keep eye of pickpocket. End. Happy shopping.
Try to come early as from 730am (till 10am) for harga pecah telor or discount price. You need bargain as much as you can if you satisfied with offer. Just buy it :)
In order to have a very smooth shopping moments of ur life in here, it is better for u to have a guide, if not you most probably spending most of ur time figuring how this cntre working.
The most popular outlet. Not so uptodate if compare to TanahAbang, Jakarta. The price a little bit higher from Jakarta. The outlet will assume you are Malaysian, because so many Malaysian.
DON'T BUY ANYTHING from vendors that are located either near the entrance or the lower floors.. Venture deep and to the top floors as the products are way cheaper there!
Don't ever go to food court level 6. The price is ridiculous and expensensive. 2 sets of gurame and ayam penyet cost us around rm55 for a food court standard .
Not as cheap as I went last time (2011). The seller won't bother to counter bargain. They just let u go if u don't buy. Another thing - pls avoid food court at level 6 at ALL COST. BLOODY TOURIST TRAP