Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable remuneration insuring for himself and his family an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by other means.
BEST BREAKFAST EVER! You MUST order the grits. They're to die for. We also enjoy the UpTown Omelette and Kevin's (???) Omelette with mushrooms & onions. Read more
The place is nice, the servers and food are great. But the policies of not allowing takeout orders, or outdoor seating being non existent, should be reviewed.
For some reason the first time I went there all the junk hanging around made it feel....dusty. I honestly couldn't stop imagining a massive hair ball of ancient garbage building in my throat.
Go to PaperMoon and order the Porky Burger with provolone or the Turkey/Cranberry sammich. Avoid the Sweet Potato fries when they're busy, and try the chocolate shake! Read more
So much visual trippy, I'd love my days to be this happy fun. Have been coming here for many years and the food remains the best.I crave the omelets and french toast like Homer drools for donuts.LUV