I love this place. Prices are good and the food is very tasty. Try the spicy plates (if you can handle them). Also try their selection of belgian beers which compliment the food excellently. Enjoy :)
Great food and friendly and helpful staff (the waitress offered to deliver us burritos to the nearby caffe bar as it takes 10 minutes to prepare it). I am totally in love with gardenvegeburrito.
Hrana je dosta dobra, ali sam razocaran poslugom. Čekali smo pola sata i nitko nas nije poslužio, nego tek kad sam se radniku unio u lice. Troje ljudi je doslo prije nas na red. Djelatnici jako spori.
Veliko razočarenje. Prilikom kupnje menija 2 uopce nismo dobili cjelokupan 'menu' i hrana izgleda puno vece,ljepse i bogatije nego sto je u stvarnosti. Šteta