Great cups to brush your teeth with at home. A bartender with a snub nose revolver tucked in his waist. Vintage Playboys over the urinals. And the best post fest scene going. What's not to like?
Use your Drink Deck card for $10 off at Pal's. Get our playing card deck or download our iPhone or Android apps for 52 discounts at great NOLA bars (no expiration) Read more
Play Gambit’s 2012 Bar Stampede at Pal's Lounge and you could win $1,000 in New Orleans bar tabs. Look for the secret code word in this bar to enter to win. Promotion ends December 30, 2012 Read more
Free food to people who are drinking on Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays! Mondays: red beans & rice, Thursdays: pasta, Saturdays: chili dogs, Sundays: macaroni and cheese. Read more
If you have to pee, Ladies, and you go alone, use the toilet nearest the bathroom door, or, you have to shake and use both toilets. Don't waste the agua!