Idos PR 2
mercado del carmen is one of Idos PR 2.

1. mercado del carmen

Antigua Guatemala (3ª Calle Oriente), Antígua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Arts and Crafts Store · 2 tips and reviews
ChocoMuseo is one of Idos PR 2.

2. ChocoMuseo

4a calle oriente #14 (a la par de Doña Luisa), Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Museum · 22 tips and reviews
Fat Cat Coffee House is one of Idos PR 2.

3. Fat Cat Coffee House

4ta Calle Oriente #14A, Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Coffee Shop · 12 tips and reviews
Los Tres Tiempos is one of Idos PR 2.

4. Los Tres Tiempos

5 Avenida Norte 31 (Calle del Arco), Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Latin American Restaurant · 25 tips and reviews
Arrin Cuan is one of Idos PR 2.

5. Arrin Cuan

5 Avenida 10-22, zona 9, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Latin American Restaurant · 17 tips and reviews
Rojocerezo Coffee is one of Idos PR 2.

6. Rojocerezo Coffee

TEC (Zona 4), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Café · 8 tips and reviews
Casa Mima is one of Idos PR 2.

7. Casa Mima

8a avenida zona 1 (14 calle), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Museum · No tips or reviews

8. Embajada de Brasil

2a. Avenida 20-13, zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Embassy or Consulate · No tips or reviews
Primo de Roma Fontabella is one of Idos PR 2.

9. Primo de Roma Fontabella

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Ice Cream Parlor · 11 tips and reviews
Tamarindo's Bistro is one of Idos PR 2.

10. Tamarindo's Bistro

Plaza Fontabella, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Bistro · 5 tips and reviews
Museo Popol Vuh is one of Idos PR 2.

11. Museo Popol Vuh

6ta calle final, zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
History Museum · 7 tips and reviews
Museo Ixchel del Traje Indígena is one of Idos PR 2.

12. Museo Ixchel del Traje Indígena

6 calle final, zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
History Museum · 7 tips and reviews
100 Montaditos Plaza Fontabella is one of Idos PR 2.

13. 100 Montaditos Plaza Fontabella

13 Calle (4 Avenida), Zona 10
Tapas Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews
Hotel Westin Camino Real is one of Idos PR 2.

14. Hotel Westin Camino Real

14 calle 0-20 zona 10 (Calle Camino Real 0-20 zona 10), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Hotel · 48 tips and reviews
Cafe Despierto is one of Idos PR 2.

15. Cafe Despierto

16 calle 0-51, zona 14, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Coffee Shop · 16 tips and reviews
Hacienda Real is one of Idos PR 2.

16. Hacienda Real

5ta Avenida 14-67, zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Steakhouse · 72 tips and reviews
La Merced is one of Idos PR 2.

17. La Merced

5a calle 11 avenida, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Church · 9 tips and reviews
Museo Nacional de Historia is one of Idos PR 2.

18. Museo Nacional de Historia

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
History Museum · 1 tip
Mercado Central is one of Idos PR 2.

19. Mercado Central

8a calle y 8a ave Zona 1, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Market · 27 tips and reviews
Catedral Metropolitana is one of Idos PR 2.

20. Catedral Metropolitana

7ma av. Zona 1, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Church · 11 tips and reviews
Plaza de la Constitución is one of Idos PR 2.

21. Plaza de la Constitución

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Plaza · 7 tips and reviews
Gula is one of Idos PR 2.

22. Gula

Via 6 (Ruta 3), Zona 4, Guatemala
Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews
El Principe Gris is one of Idos PR 2.

23. El Principe Gris

Ciudad Olimpica, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Brewery · Ciudad Olimpica · 3 tips and reviews
Flor De Lis is one of Idos PR 2.

24. Flor De Lis

Paseo Cayalá (Local G1-106), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
French Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews
Paradigma Cafe is one of Idos PR 2.

25. Paradigma Cafe

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Coffee Shop · 5 tips and reviews
Café No Sé is one of Idos PR 2.

26. Café No Sé

1a Av Sur No. 11C, Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Bar · 13 tips and reviews
Y Tu Piña Tambien is one of Idos PR 2.

27. Y Tu Piña Tambien

1a Avenida Sur #10b, Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Breakfast Spot · 10 tips and reviews
Iglesia de San Francisco el Grande is one of Idos PR 2.

28. Iglesia de San Francisco el Grande

7a. Calle Oriente (Calle de los Pasos), La Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Spiritual Center · 5 tips and reviews
Tanque de la Union is one of Idos PR 2.

29. Tanque de la Union

2a. Avenida Sur (Entre 6a. y 7a. Calle Oriente), Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Historic and Protected Site · 2 tips and reviews
Convento Santa Clara is one of Idos PR 2.

30. Convento Santa Clara

6ta calle oriente, La Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
Church · 5 tips and reviews
Convento de Capuchinas is one of Idos PR 2.

31. Convento de Capuchinas

Historic and Protected Site · 10 tips and reviews
Catedral de la Antigua Guatemala is one of Idos PR 2.

32. Catedral de la Antigua Guatemala

4a. Avenida (5a. Calle Oriente), La Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Spiritual Center · 4 tips and reviews
Parque Central de La Antigua Guatemala is one of Idos PR 2.

33. Parque Central de La Antigua Guatemala

Entre 4a. y 5a. Avenidas (Entre 4a. y 5a. Calles), La Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Plaza · 49 tips and reviews
Palacio de Capitanes is one of Idos PR 2.

34. Palacio de Capitanes

(5a Calle Poniente), La Antigua
Structure · 2 tips and reviews
Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española is one of Idos PR 2.

35. Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española

6a Avenida norte, Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez Dept
Convention Center · 4 tips and reviews
The Refuge Coffee Bar is one of Idos PR 2.

36. The Refuge Coffee Bar

Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Coffee Shop · 7 tips and reviews
La Merced is one of Idos PR 2.

37. La Merced

6a. avenida norte (1a. calle poniente), La Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Church · 6 tips and reviews
Nim Po't is one of Idos PR 2.

38. Nim Po't

5a Avenida Norte, Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Gift Store · 11 tips and reviews
el arco antigua is one of Idos PR 2.

39. el arco antigua

Historic and Protected Site · 10 tips and reviews
Hotel Casa Santo Domingo is one of Idos PR 2.

40. Hotel Casa Santo Domingo

3a Calle Oriente No. 28 "A", Antigua Guatemala, Sacatepéquez
Hotel · 66 tips and reviews
Sophos is one of Idos PR 2.

41. Sophos

(Zona 10), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Bookstore · 27 tips and reviews
Plaza Fontabella is one of Idos PR 2.

42. Plaza Fontabella

4 avenida (12 calle), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Shopping Mall · 41 tips and reviews
Ambia is one of Idos PR 2.

43. Ambia

10 avenida 5-49 zona 14, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Molecular Gastronomy Restaurant · 24 tips and reviews
Museo de Arte Moderno "Carlos Mérida" is one of Idos PR 2.

44. Museo de Arte Moderno "Carlos Mérida"

Salón No. 6, Finca Nacional "La Aurora", zona 13, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Art Museum · 3 tips and reviews
Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología is one of Idos PR 2.

45. Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología

Salón No. 5, Finca Nacional "La Aurora", zona 13, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
History Museum · 7 tips and reviews
Café El Injerto is one of Idos PR 2.

46. Café El Injerto

9 calle 15-15, zona 13, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Café · 22 tips and reviews
Avenida De Las Americas is one of Idos PR 2.

47. Avenida De Las Americas

Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Road · 11 tips and reviews
Kacao is one of Idos PR 2.

48. Kacao

2 avenida, #13-44 zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Latin American Restaurant · 51 tips and reviews
San Martín is one of Idos PR 2.

49. San Martín

13 Calle Esquina, zona 10 (2 Avenida), Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Bakery · 79 tips and reviews
Hotel Biltmore is one of Idos PR 2.

50. Hotel Biltmore

15 calle 0-31, zona 10, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Hotel · 20 tips and reviews
Fuerza Aerea Guatemalteca is one of Idos PR 2.

51. Fuerza Aerea Guatemalteca

Finca San Isidro, Guatemala Dept
Airport · 1 tip
Aeroporto Internacional de Manaus / Eduardo Gomes (MAO) is one of Idos PR 2.

52. Aeroporto Internacional de Manaus / Eduardo Gomes (MAO)

Av. Santos Dumont, 1350, Tarumã, Manaus, AM
Airport · Tarumã · 830 tips and reviews
Ráscal is one of Idos PR 2.

53. Ráscal

Terminal 3, Mezanino (Aeroporto de Guarulhos), Guarulhos, SP
Mediterranean Restaurant · Aeroporto · 55 tips and reviews
Londres is one of Idos PR 2.

54. Londres

English Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Palm Beach Bar & Restaurant is one of Idos PR 2.

55. Palm Beach Bar & Restaurant

Santa Maria Beach (Pier), Santa Maria, Sal
Seafood Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Ocean Cafe is one of Idos PR 2.

56. Ocean Cafe

Cocktail Bar · 9 tips and reviews
Farolim is one of Idos PR 2.

57. Farolim

Seafood Restaurant · No tips or reviews
Dunas de Sal - Design Hotel is one of Idos PR 2.

58. Dunas de Sal - Design Hotel

Ponta Preta Caixa Postal 12
Hotel · 5 tips and reviews
Bounty Restaurant is one of Idos PR 2.

59. Bounty Restaurant

Санта-Мария, Сал
Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Cize Bar is one of Idos PR 2.

60. Cize Bar

Santa Maria, Sal
Hotel Bar · 2 tips and reviews
Salinas de Pedra Lume is one of Idos PR 2.

61. Salinas de Pedra Lume

Pedra Lume, Sal
Lake · 5 tips and reviews

62. Baia Da Parda

Bay · No tips or reviews
Restaurante Espargos is one of Idos PR 2.

63. Restaurante Espargos

Cabocan Lote A2, A3, Santa Maria, Sal
Mediterranean Restaurant · 1 tip
Buracona Olho Azul is one of Idos PR 2.

64. Buracona Olho Azul

Palmeira, Sal
Scenic Lookout · 2 tips and reviews
Palmeira is one of Idos PR 2.

65. Palmeira

City · No tips or reviews
Murdeira is one of Idos PR 2.

66. Murdeira

City · 1 tip
Chez Pastis is one of Idos PR 2.

67. Chez Pastis

Santa Maria, Sal
Seafood Restaurant · 10 tips and reviews
O Caranguejo is one of Idos PR 2.

68. O Caranguejo

Rua 1⁰ de Junho, Santa Maria, Sal
Portuguese Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews
Pier Santa Maria is one of Idos PR 2.

69. Pier Santa Maria

Santa Maria, Sal
Pier · 1 tip
Praia de Santa Maria is one of Idos PR 2.

70. Praia de Santa Maria

Santa Maria, Sal
Beach · 14 tips and reviews
Sabores & livros is one of Idos PR 2.

71. Sabores & livros

Rua 15 agosto, Santa Maria, Ilho do Sal
Seafood Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
Cape Fruit is one of Idos PR 2.

72. Cape Fruit

Santa Maria, Sal
Juice Bar · 15 tips and reviews
Gira Mondo Gelato Italiano is one of Idos PR 2.

73. Gira Mondo Gelato Italiano

Ice Cream Parlor · 5 tips and reviews
Hilton Cabo Verde Sal Resort is one of Idos PR 2.

74. Hilton Cabo Verde Sal Resort

Avenida dos Hoteis, Santa Maria, Sal
Hotel · 4 tips and reviews
Oásis Atlântico Salinas Sea Hotel & Resort is one of Idos PR 2.

75. Oásis Atlântico Salinas Sea Hotel & Resort

Santa Maria, Sal
Hotel · 7 tips and reviews
Amílcar Cabral International Airport (SID) is one of Idos PR 2.

76. Amílcar Cabral International Airport (SID)

(Aeroporto Internacional Amílcar Cabral)
EN1-SL-01, Espargos, Sal
Airport · 13 tips and reviews
Cortés is one of Idos PR 2.

77. Cortés

Terminal 2, Embarque (Aeroporto de Guarulhos), Guarulhos, SP
Steakhouse · Aeroporto · 17 tips and reviews
Nelson Mandela Square is one of Idos PR 2.

78. Nelson Mandela Square

West St (at Rivonia Rd), Sandton, IGauteng
Plaza · 83 tips and reviews
Little Addis Café is one of Idos PR 2.

79. Little Addis Café

41 Stanley Ave (at Kruger St.), EGoli, IGauteng
Ethiopian Restaurant · Braamfontein · 10 tips and reviews
AGOG is one of Idos PR 2.

80. AGOG

12 Lower Ross Street, EGoli, IGauteng
Art Gallery · 1 tip
Living Room is one of Idos PR 2.

81. Living Room

5th Floor 20 Kruger St (Fox St), EGoli, IGauteng
Restaurant · City and Suburban · 18 tips and reviews
The Maboneng Precinct is one of Idos PR 2.

82. The Maboneng Precinct

EGoli, IGauteng
Neighborhood · 18 tips and reviews
Radisson Blu Hotel Sandton is one of Idos PR 2.

83. Radisson Blu Hotel Sandton

Rivonia Rd (Daisy St), EGoli, IGauteng
Hotel · 30 tips and reviews
Air Force Base Waterkloof (WKF) is one of Idos PR 2.

84. Air Force Base Waterkloof (WKF)

Waterkloof 378-Jr (Pierre van Ryneveld), Centurion, IGauteng
Airport · 5 tips and reviews
Seattle Coffee Company is one of Idos PR 2.

85. Seattle Coffee Company

Montecasino Blvd. (William Nicol Dr.), Fourways, IGauteng
Coffee Shop · 4 tips and reviews
Montecasino is one of Idos PR 2.

86. Montecasino

Montecasino Blvd, Fourways, IGauteng
Casino · 71 tips and reviews
Marble Restaurant is one of Idos PR 2.

87. Marble Restaurant

Keyes Avenue (Jellicoe), Rosebank, IGauteng
African Restaurant · 26 tips and reviews
Cradle of Humankind is one of Idos PR 2.

88. Cradle of Humankind

Field · 13 tips and reviews
Maropeng is one of Idos PR 2.

89. Maropeng

History Museum · 16 tips and reviews
Sandton Convention Centre is one of Idos PR 2.

90. Sandton Convention Centre

161 Maude St (btwn 5th St & West St), Sandton, IGauteng
Convention Center · Sandhurst · 24 tips and reviews
Constitutional Court, Johannesburg, South Africa, ZA is one of Idos PR 2.

91. Constitutional Court, Johannesburg, South Africa, ZA

Queens Road (at Sam Hancock Street), EGoli, IGauteng
Art Gallery · Braamfontein · 4 tips and reviews
Constitutional Hill is one of Idos PR 2.

92. Constitutional Hill

EGoli, IGauteng
Uncategorized · Braamfontein · No tips or reviews
Wits Art Museum is one of Idos PR 2.

93. Wits Art Museum

1 Jan Smuts Avenue, EGoli, IGauteng
Art Gallery · Braamfontein · 4 tips and reviews
Gautrain Park Station is one of Idos PR 2.

94. Gautrain Park Station

Cnr Wolmarans and Joubert Streets, EGoli, IGauteng
Rail Station · Downtown Johannesburg · 17 tips and reviews
Gautrain Sandton Station is one of Idos PR 2.

95. Gautrain Sandton Station

Rivonia Rd. (West St.), Sandton, IGauteng
Rail Station · 44 tips and reviews
Garden Court Sandton City is one of Idos PR 2.

96. Garden Court Sandton City

Corner West and Maude Steets, EGoli, IGauteng
Hotel · 16 tips and reviews
O. R. Tambo International Airport (JNB) is one of Idos PR 2.

97. O. R. Tambo International Airport (JNB)

1 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, IGauteng
International Airport · Johannesburg · 363 tips and reviews
Juan Valdez Café Paseo La Galería is one of Idos PR 2.

98. Juan Valdez Café Paseo La Galería

Av. Sta. Teresa (Avenida Aviadores del Chaco), Asunción, Asunción
Coffee Shop · 11 tips and reviews
La Vienesa is one of Idos PR 2.

99. La Vienesa

Av. Santa Teresa, Asunción, Asunción
Diner · 15 tips and reviews
Superseis - Paseo La Galería is one of Idos PR 2.

100. Superseis - Paseo La Galería

Avda. Santa Teresa (Avda. Aviadores del Chaco), Asunción, Asunción
Supermarket · No tips or reviews
Kingfish is one of Idos PR 2.

101. Kingfish

Asunción, Capital
Bar · Villa Morra · 7 tips and reviews
Bastardo is one of Idos PR 2.

102. Bastardo

Tregnati 901 C/ campos cervera, Asunción, Departamento Central
Restaurant · 1 tip
Rooftop Ten is one of Idos PR 2.

103. Rooftop Ten

Av Aviadores del Chaco 2066, Asunción, Asunción
Cocktail Bar · No tips or reviews