"Ayrica calisanlarin musterilerin yaninda bahcede sigara icmesini ve giden musterilerin ardindan calisanin masayi soylenerek temizlemesini garipsedim,limonata ve cheesecake porsiyonlari cok fazlaydi."
· Selçuklu, Türkiye
6.9"Petek Kentplaza acikcasi Petek kalitesinden uzak, tepsi yok sanirim hersey elle getiriliyor, kaba bir sunum, cay bardaklarinin kucuk boy olmasindan cay tabaklarini da ikrama dahil etmisler."
· Selçuklu, Türkiye
6.9"Their crepes are really tasty and also one more thing:) you should try cream puff dessert👍"
· Vilnius, Lietuva
5.0"The hotel, its concept and location is really nice:) its price can be another reason to choose this hotel with its other opportunities:)"
"There are several choices for delicious ice creams which is served as a flower shaped by ladies with smiling faces:) To visit before your departure from Lisbon is our offer!"
Ice Cream
· Lisboa, Portugal
8.9"Su boregi en az simitleri kadar guzel, ama ev halkina bile bu sekilde kesilmis su boregi ikram edilmez, servis kalitesi artirilmali...nasil olsa geliyorlar mantigindan cikilmali!!!"
· Selçuklu, Türkiye