Well-curated CDs & LPs, spanning a mishmash of genres like indie rock, electronic, jazz &experimental. Keep an "ear" on occasional in-store performance, hosting buzzy artists like Iceage, Cults & more Read more
Crazy good selection. Awesome place to check out for music lovers. No student discounts but a fun little place to explore different genres of music. Ask the employees about their favorite band or CD!
Other Music is keeping music on 4th Street, but the mother ship of NYC record stores was Tower Records (formerly across the street). It was where I bought my first cassettes and CDs. #PorcelainTheBook Read more
Quality music store. The space may be tiny, but they manage to make every square foot count. Their hidden strength lies in the experimental genre: They import all sorts of amazing titles.
This record store is convenient for on-the-fly vinyl binges and anything else you could ever want. Cults love to come here because it has "the best selection of every type of music.”
This is my 2nd home! S**t I would make it my first home if they let me move a bed in there. Another place where I come in with cash $$$ & LEAVE WITH LENT IN MY POCKETS.
It's time to spend some money on the artists you love! Check out electronic and 'out' section for rare experimental and ambient gems. Prepare to leave happy, even if your CC bill is high :)
Found a copy of Black Star here after visiting nearly every other record shop in NYC, Brooklyn, and north Jersey. These guys had it. I love them for that.
It's a truly unique experience strolling through Other Music. just a bit bigger than the room you grew up in, "OM" has more great music than three quarters of the ipods in New York could hold on any g Read more
One Louis Vuitton Friend of the House likes having the aficionado staff help her with recommendations and new inspirations. Find out who at the LV Amble site. Read more
Found some really great, and rare selections. Although they didn't have exactly what I wanted they assured me that the stock would be refilled within the next week.
I like that they’re particular about what they carry yet they’re not pretentious. The fact is that they’re genuinely interested in music. -Veronica Vasicka, Founder, Minimal Wave Read more
Excelente loja de discos! Toda vez que vou pra NY dou uma passada por aqui e nunca saio de mãos vazias! Especializados em reggae, dub, ska, afro, hip hop, eletrônico...
Other Music
15 E 4th St (btwn Lafayette St. & Broadway) New York, NY10003 United States