"Tesis olarak iyi işletme olarak amatör işletme. Her seye ragmen Batikent icin mantikli bir salon olabilir"
Gym and Studio
· Ankara, Türkiye
6.8"just go there and wach symphony of water if the weather is good"
Other Outdoors
· Wrocław, Polska
"Gece vakti her indigimde kendimi 90'lara geri donmus hissediyorum"
Rest Areas
· Afyon, Türkiye
5.2"Probably the best act that you can at Antalya. Paradise for me"
Water Park
· Antalya, Türkiye
9.5"Considering with the hostels. Really five stars. Close to main square. Good rooms, beds, pillows. Try not be at the street side of building"