Tapas Restaurant · Lower East Side · 18 tips and reviews
Yvette Ollada: I dream about going back! Can't find a spot like this on the West Coast so make sure to hit it up when you're in New York! More info: http://bit.ly/oliviayo
Yvette Ollada: Fun whether for a date or with a friend--or even 10! Cocktails are fun to share not just fun to drink! More info: http://bit.ly/hurricaneyo
88 10th Ave (btwn W 15th & W 16th St), New York, NY
Japanese Restaurant · Chelsea · 344 tips and reviews
Yvette Ollada: You knew there had to be a celebrity chef restaurant on this list, but also, Chelsea Market is a MUST, when in NYC. Morimoto's doesn't disappoint.
75 9th Ave (btwn W 15th & W 16th St), New York, NY
Fish Market · Chelsea · 385 tips and reviews
Yvette Ollada: Chelsea Market is a MUST, when in NYC. First timers have to get the lobster roll--no questions asked! (unless you're allergic to lobster ;P )