Is a multi-purpose arena. Floor space: 35,000 m². Capacity: up to 18,000 spectators (depends on action). Club and Luxury seats: 2,460. Places in bars, restaurants and cafés: 2,900.
Good sports arena, a lot of places to have beer inside, modern and new. The quality of sound is not very good during concert venues...seems like the arena was not initially built to host big concerts.
Českomoravská metro station, on Line B, is the nearest form of transport, however the station does not appear to be able to support the 20,000 capacity. Praha‒Libeň railway station is 1km walk away
The promoters of Black Sabbath were jokers. I haven't been insulted so much in my life. No bagpacks were allowed and they wanted a charge to keep them. After the concert the line was at least 200 ppl.
Moderní prostředí pro hokej, koncerty a taneční party. Jen ty sedačky by mohli být pro osoby se širší pánvý. 😊👌🏻 EN: Modern environment for hockey, concerts and dance parties. Only those seats migh
Nikdy jsem tu nebyla na hokeji, ale všechny ostatní akce mají dobře organizované, zbytečně neprudí při kontrolách věcí a je tu dost personálu, který Vám poradí, kudy kam. V přízemí dvě kuřácké zóny.