Duplicate the ring at a fraction if a cost? That's called forgery. Please support the designers/retailers who are original, legit + support local craft. Many of us have studios here! -@linhardtdesign
Go see Joseph or Zuri at Shally Diamonds Inc at 66 47th St. They are in the back left. Honest and friendly people who produce quality rings and other jewelry.
NYC's Diamond District is home to over 2,500 jewelry stores. Architecturally the block is a blend of Beaux-Arts and Art Deco towers that haven’t been cleaned in half a century
Real businessmen don't pay for a rock's brand. Pick out a ring on 5th Ave. & have that exact ring replicated for a fraction of the price by doing some serious negotiating in the NYC Diamond District.
#Love of country is like love of #woman - he loves her best who seeks to bestow on her the highest good. #Extravagant #Diamond Carved #Wedding Band: http://bit.ly/Z5MjQx
This is where 90% of diamonds entering the country begin their journey. Some end up nearby in a Martini served on the worldʼs hardest $10,000 rocks for added charm at The Algonquin.