20 favorite restaurants
Chives Canadian Bistro is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Chives Canadian Bistro

1537 Barrington Street, Halifax, NS
Restaurant · Downtown Halifax · 18 tips and reviews

Elle G.Elle Graeme: Local ingredients, local menu genius

FRED is one of 20 favorite restaurants.


2606 Agricola Street (North Street), Halifax, NS
Hair Salon · North End · 9 tips and reviews

Elle G.Elle Graeme: Go where they know your name

Halifax Backpackers Hostel is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Halifax Backpackers Hostel

2193 Gottingen St, Halifax, NS
Hostel · North End · 5 tips and reviews

Elle G.Elle Graeme: Best coffee

Burrito Jax is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

4. Burrito Jax

5215 Blowers Street (between Argyle & Barrington), Halifax, NS
Burrito Restaurant · Downtown Halifax · 30 tips and reviews

Elle G.Elle Graeme: Best value and caloric intake for the money

Q Smokehouse and Southern Barbeque is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

5. Q Smokehouse and Southern Barbeque

1580 Argyle St, Halifax, NS
BBQ Joint · Downtown Halifax · 18 tips and reviews

Elle G.Elle Graeme: Corn bread and stuff to dip it into. Plus fresh lemonade.

Tom's Little Havana is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

6. Tom's Little Havana

5428 Doyle St, Halifax, NS
Dive Bar · Downtown Halifax · 8 tips and reviews

Elle G.Elle Graeme: All your friends are there and surprisingly good food.