Half Note Jazz Club is one of Athen.

1. Half Note Jazz Club

Τριβωνιανού 17, Αθήνα, Αττική
Jazz and Blues Venue · Μετς · 45 tips and reviews
A for Athens is one of Athen.

2. A for Athens

Μιαούλη 2-4 (Ερμού), Αθήνα, Αττική
Hotel Bar · Μοναστηράκι · 579 tips and reviews

Nikki G.Nikki Gocci: The most beautiful view of Athens! Good for a coffee in the morning or cocktails at night! Difficult to find a table after 8:30 p.m!

3. Avli

Αγίου Δημητρίου 12, Αθήνα, Αττική
Greek Restaurant · Ψυρρή · 166 tips and reviews

Alina v.Alina von Oz: Hat man die versteckte Tür gefunden erwartet einen ein authentisches Lokal fernab vom Tourismus! Abends sehr voll! #geheimtipp

4. Areios Pagos

(Άρειος Πάγος)
Λόφος Αρείου Πάγου, Αθήνα, Αττική
Historic and Protected Site · Ακρόπολη · 37 tips and reviews

Truman W.Truman W.: Great views of the city and even of the Agora! Just be careful of the very slippery rocks when shuffling about taking photos!

5. Bronco Bar Athens

Πλουτάρχου 10, Αθήνα, Αττική
Bar · Κολωνάκι · 6 tips and reviews

Nantia G.Nantia Georgakis: Great music, loads of fun!

Anafiotika is one of Athen.

6. Anafiotika

Αθήνα, Αττική
Neighborhood · 56 tips and reviews

Ismail A.Ismail Alacaoğlu: The best part of Athens! Narrow streets, colourful houses, nice cafes. You shouldn’t miss this lovely neighbourhood if you’re in Athens.

Ο Κώστας 1950 is one of Athen.

7. Ο Κώστας 1950

Πεντέλης 5 (Μητροπόλεως), Αθήνα, Αττική
Souvlaki Shop · Σύνταγμα · 69 tips and reviews

AdaAda: We had the pork souvlaki, very tasty! If you want, you can also get peppers in it, and they're spicy 🌶️

8. Βυρίνης

Αρχιμήδους 11, Αθήνα, Αττική
Taverna · Μετς · 28 tips and reviews

Makis M.Makis M.: Friendly atmosphere and tasty Greek dishes in one of the traditional taverns in the area. Value for money.

Αχιλλέας Σουβλάκια is one of Athen.

9. Αχιλλέας Σουβλάκια

Σπινθάρου 18, Αθήνα, Αττική
Souvlaki Shop · Κυνοσάργους · 15 tips and reviews