Tuesday Trivia: This airline painted a smile under the cockpit area on the front of their planes to give the aircraft the appearance of a happy face. Which airline is it?
General check-in information: The airport closes at midnight each day. The ticket counters open at 4:30 a.m. TSA opens for security checks at 4:45 a.m. TSA closes after the last flight departs.
You may check the status of your flight throughout the day at our website flyxna.com. Contact your airline directly if there have been changes to your flight.
Fun Fact Friday: Spring fever is not just a myth. The body may experience physiological changes due to changes in diet, hormone production and temperature.
Trivia Tuesday: A sneeze travels out your mouth at over 100 mph! (Good to know during this cold and flu season.) Wonder how far it travels at that speed???
Head's Up NW Arkansas! Walmart Shareholders' week begins tomorrow. Folks from all over the world will be flying into our area to visit. Let's show them some warm Arkansas hospitality!
Fun Fact Friday: One out of three employees who received a promotion used a coffee mug with their company logo on it. Hmmm..... Something to think about!
Tuesday Trivia: You’re born with 300 bones, but by the time you become an adult, you only have 206. Wonder which ones go away and where they go???? Hmmm.
Tues Trivia:Do you know the history of the dandelion? There were no dandelions in N. America until the Mayflower arrived in 1620, but by 1671 they were everywhere. They were used in foods & medicines.
Come out this weekend and enjoy Bella Vista Hay Days. Family events, food, live music, 5K walk and more. For more information go to http://www.bvhaydays.com
The cafe is NO longer nasty! New company! Great food, high quality espresso, coffee and nice people at the grill and coffee bars( I know bc I'm a barista here).... :)
F/T Police Officer position available at XNA. Current police certification & minimum 2-years' F/T experience. Job closes 08/08. Visit our website, www.flyxna.com, for job description and application.
#FFF As president, Theodore Roosevelt refused to allow a Christmas tree in the White House, because of his environmental concerns and his conservationist views.
Rental car return was a breeze. Distance to terminal was no existing. Park the rental car and in the terminal within 5 minutes. No shuttle to ride. Cool beans:-)
Need a ride? We have Uber in Northwest Arkansas. Use my Uber promo code, uberAllenCraig, and get $30 off your first Uber ride. Redeem it at https://www.uber.com/invite/uberAllenCraig
Fall is here. Halloween and Thanksgiving are just around the corner. Thought you'd enjoy some pumpkintrivia. Did you know that a pumpkin is about 80% water?
Tuesday Trivia: What is the average number of people airborne per hour in the United States? A) 20,000 B) 40,000 C) 60,000 D) 70,000 answer....C) 60,000
Security is a breeze & easiest rental car return system of all airports I've ever flown at. Check out Smokewood American Grill before you fly---you will not be disappointed.
Smokewood Grill food service is temporarily unavailable until 2 pm, but the bar area is open. Say Si Bon is open for food and beverages. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Best secret is the intermediate parking. Go in the loop, past the terminal, just past Enterprise, then turn in on the left. It's as close as Short-term parking, but priced closer to Long-term.