Philosopher's Path is one of Kyoto.

1. Philosopher's Path

左京区浄土寺石橋町, 京都市, 京都府
Hiking Trail · 86 tips and reviews
Demachi Futaba is one of Kyoto.

2. Demachi Futaba

上京区青龍町236 (出町通今出川上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Wagashi Place · 上京区 · 55 tips and reviews
Honke Daiichi-Asahi is one of Kyoto.

3. Honke Daiichi-Asahi

(本家 第一旭)
下京区東塩小路向畑町845, 京都市, 京都府
Ramen Restaurant · 133 tips and reviews
Honke Owariya is one of Kyoto.

4. Honke Owariya

(本家 尾張屋 本店)
中京区仁王門突抜町322 (車屋町通二条下る), 京都市, 京都府
Soba Restaurant · 88 tips and reviews

Vincent T.Vincent Tan: Honke Owariya is the oldest noodle shop in Kyoto - more than 5 centuries old.

Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is one of Kyoto.

5. Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

右京区嵯峨小倉山田淵山町, 京都市, 京都府
Hiking Trail · 215 tips and reviews
L'Escamoteur is one of Kyoto.

6. L'Escamoteur

下京区斎藤町138-9 (西石垣通四条下ル), 京都市, 京都府
Cocktail Bar · 37 tips and reviews

Erin P.Erin Pettigrew: Mysterious cocktails, intimate and whimsical bar, swinging seats for two. Lovely landing for a nightcap.