Louis Vuitton: The best place to visit if you want to learn more about London’s history. And of course it houses the Crown Jewels, the most famous jewellery collection in the world
HISTORY UK: Westminster Abbey was built by Edward the Confessor and completed just before his death in 1065. Since William the Conqueror all the kings & queens of England have been crowned here.
Louis Vuitton: This iconic London landmark even has a private venue for hire, with wonderful views over the City. Is it London’s most stylish party venue?
STA Travel U.S.: TRAVEL FACT: In British culture, the name implies a bussing about with people. Piccadilly Circus is referred to the Times Square of London.
Rail Station · King's Cross · 307 tips and reviews
Filmsquare: King's Cross Station is used again in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) as platform 9¾, really platform 4, from where the Hogwart's express departs, this time without Harry and Ron.
HISTORY UK: In 1894 a French anarchist named Martial Bourdin was carrying a bomb through the park to the Observatory when it exploded and killed him. No one knows why he had decided to target the Observatory.
DHR.com: Considered as London's shopping Mecca, this place is home to department stores like John Lewis and Selfridges and flagship stores like Debenhams and Zara. There are 300 more stores to choose from.