Historic and Protected Site · Notre-Dame-des-Champs · No tips or reviews
Nick Lee: Location in Midnight in Paris film by Woody Allen.Hemingway real home,27 rue de Fleurus (metro: Saint Placide).Not open to the public,but plaque above door commemorates the writer’s 33-year residence.
Jardin des Tuileries (Place de la Concorde), Paris, Île-de-France
Art Museum · Tuileries · 219 tips and reviews
Mike McGeis: Absolute stunning museum! Monets huge Waterlilies painings (as seen in Woody Allens Midnight in Paris) and very nice collection of Renoir, Cezanne, Picasso and Monet
Nick Lee: Location in Midnight in Paris, Woody Allen. Gil,Adriana in Montmartre,descending the photogenic steps on rue du Chevalier de la Barre,running alongside Sacre Coeur, down to rue Lamarck (metro: Anvers)
Miscellaneous Store · Saint Thomas d'Aquin · 31 tips and reviews
Nick Lee: Location Midnight in Paris by Woody Allen. The Surrealist wedding party, where Gil pitches the idea for The Exterminating Angel to a flummoxed Luis Buñuel, is the extraordinary Maison Deyrolle,
Miscellaneous Store · Saint Thomas d'Aquin · 31 tips and reviews
Nick Lee: Location Midnight in Paris (metro: Rue du Bac), awash with insects and taxidermy. Since 1831, Deyrolle has offered animal, botanic and mineral specimens.
Nick Lee: Location in Midnight in Paris by Woody Allen. Gil and Gabrielle end on wildly elaborate Pont Alexander III (metro: Invalides), acknowledging that "Paris is at its most beautiful in the rain".