We are at 40% of our goal. Thank you to our donors. We appreciate the support. Any dollar donation will be helpful for return trip home and food. Thank you for sharing our message. http://dld.bz/cNc8t
Thank you Thank you Carmen at Jet Blue Great supervisor. She stayed all the to end of a very messy situation. You saved #fashionweek for Sam Wise our airlines for all upcoming Fashion Week trips!
We are at 40% of our goal. Thank you to our donors. We appreciate the support. Any dollar donation will go for return trip home and food. Thank you for sharing our message. http://dld.bz/cNc8t
We are over 50% of our goal!!! Thank you to our latest donor Robert. #FashionWeek #NYCFW @FashionNewslive he will be receiving his reward check out what he is getting here http://dld.bz/cNc8t
Argo is the awarding film this year. It is about the 1980 joint CIA-Canadian secret operation to get six fugitive Americans person out of Iran. Let us know your thoughts on this film.
The start of Fashion Week for RLG Production crew. Meeting to go over production. Watch Fashion News Live for your fashion news all week. We are excited to work with the best team #fashionweek
A few shots from the evening. We had a great turn out. Thank you everyone. We got some laughter from our production. Good night and it is movie time always.
Beasts of the Southern Wild Oscar nomination for best picture. Hushpuppy, a six-year-old girl living with her easily angered father. Hushpuppy's world is changing. Check this film. Read more
http://dld.bz/cNc8t I will be in LA for one month editing, producing, and interning on TV episodes. Help me complete my internship and dream http://dld.bz/cQH4r #wednesday #crowdfunding #youtube
Amour 2013 Oscarfilm nominated for best picture. This story is a touching love story of a Parisian couple whose love is tested. This touching film is the first in 7 years for Jean-Louis Trintignant. Read more
All businesses that donate $50 will be receive: links on our website with links to their website, included in social media & blogs with links http://www.gofundme.com/nwffw #fashionweek #ss14 #YouTube
We still got this. Hard work and focus. Editing and filming is the name of the game in Portland this weekend. Did you see any of the teams filming in your area?
Lincoln a story many of us know, but Steven Spilberg brings life to a man who changed history. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0443272/mediaindex?photoId=MV5BMTQzNzczMDUyNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjM2ODEzOA
Check out the media team for #fashionthecure in partnership with American Cancer Society. Our team is the voice the story the images & telling of the story of this event #Portland http://dld.bz/cRvye
Join exclusive members get first notice LAFW videos http://www.youtube.com/playlist?feature=edit_ok&list=PLCM1UChQQGj3z8lSgF-ee1t0Xw0CPd2tP Rewards found here http://www.gofundme.com/nwffw #donations
Please watch the following video and consider helping us out. Thanks friends. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1115015686/help-support-the-kiggins-theatre-to-go-digital
Kickn on the strip this evening. Great day of editing. Cali today!!! Oscar weekend! We will be there for this grand event. Who is your choice for best actor and actress?
We are getting closer to our goal of 800 for the trip to NY. Here I will be creating great fashion videos and interviews. Thank you for your support! http://www.gofundme.com/nwffw
Django Unchained staring Jamie Fox, a slave seeking to free his wife from a cruel slave owner in Mississippi with the help of a mentor. This file is up for best picture. Share your thoughtsRead more
Oscars less than two weeks away. Life of Pi check out this great movie about life changes and managing them with determination. Post your thoughts here. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0454876/
Great evening 48-Hour Film Project release tonight vote 4 So Wrong Team & dinner great company https://foursquare.com/explore?near=Portland%20Or&q=laurelwood%20public%20house%20%26%20brewery.
#Oscar see who can name the best picture for the year they were born and the year they graduated from high school. https://www.facebook.com/NWFlims?ref=hl
The following nominations: Daniel Day-Lewis, Denzel Washington, Alan Arkin, Robert De Niro, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tommy Lee Jones, Christoph Waltz, Sally Field & Helen Hunt, have won Oscars before.
#ZeroDarkThirty hunt for Osama bin Laden. Check this film out and share your thoughts on this history changing movie. http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1790885
The youngest leading actress is history Quvenzhane Wallis, 9. What a great experience. What are your Oscar party plans? New-World Films will be at the Oscars!
This year's #Oscars has the oldest and youngest nomination in Oscar history for actress. France's Emmanuelle Riva, 85. See yesterday's post for youngest actress.