places to eat hong kong
Wah Kee Snacks is one of places to eat hong kong.

1. Wah Kee Snacks

Hart Ave, 尖沙咀
Snack Place · 9 tips and reviews
Mui Kee Cookfood Stall is one of places to eat hong kong.

2. Mui Kee Cookfood Stall

5/F, Carnarvon Plaza, 20 Carnarvon Rd, 尖沙咀, Kowloon City
Hong Kong Restaurant · 1 tip
TamJai SamGor Mixian is one of places to eat hong kong.

3. TamJai SamGor Mixian

1/F, Kimberley 26, 26 Kimberley Rd, 尖沙咀, Kowloon City
Noodle Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews
Shek Kee is one of places to eat hong kong.

4. Shek Kee

5 Ichang St, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Noodle Restaurant · 尖沙咀 · 2 tips and reviews